Interesting is that the same charger's been maintaining the 2010 Camaro's factory battery and then the die hard AGM without an issue. So I'm not going to buy that the trickle charger did anything it wasn't supposed to. Forgot to add that both Optima warranty replacements also failed early, so at that point I threw in the towel on Optimas. I did get Optimas when they first came out and they were decent. That's why I went back to that well. The other car was daily driven so I don't know why it wanted to fail early. If they work for you, fine. At least some people have had good luck. My luck ran out.I’ve heard this before. Most of the time it’s because the owners do not use a proper trickle charger for an AGM battery or they completely kill the charge and expect it to perform flawlessly after. I personally like the yellow tops better than the red tops. I’ll keep buying them for the Oldsmobile.