Project 85 Black 442 frame off restoration

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I got around today on replacing the rocker backing plate and also cut out the lower A post and replacing it with a doner








Mine was rusted out on that lower a post too. Kinda odd spot to rust. I didn't get a donor piece like you, I hand fabricated it from 2 pieces of 18 ga galvanized.
If you are painting in your garage I hope it is well sealed off from the house.Epoxy primer is nasty and can cause a whole load of health problems. The young are very vulnerable to the toxic fumes that are given off when spraying as well as during drying. Epoxy is a two part product and has a iso cynate hardner. There was a guy that painted a hood in BC in a spray booth with out a mask and he died a few weeks later. This was the first documented case that they could prove/direct link that iso cyynate can kill. It enters your body through your skin, eyes and nose. The more you spray the more it builds up in your system, until you become sensitized. The reducer causes cancer and brain damage, nervous system damage, liver damage etc. I worked in the trade and am just giving you a heads up. This product belongs in a spray booth with the painter in a suite with a full face supply air helmet. Not in the Garage. They banned the sale of body shop primer and paint to the general public in BC. This was a smart move. Your health and the health of your family and neighbours is priceless. You can rent booth in my area for a few hundred- this is a cheap price to pay for health.
Good luck with your project.
Burnhard said:
They banned the sale of body shop primer and paint to the general public in BC. This was a smart move.

No personal offense there friend, but that is a perfect example of why I am thankful to live in the USA, where I usually get to choose what's best - not some bureaucrat.

I can still buy paint, potato chips, Coca Cola and guns. All of the things that other governments KNOW are bad for me....
Awsome ride man,im sure it will turn out amazing. I had the exact same gauge setup in my 86 cutlass brougham ( canadian model ) as mine was all in kms not mph. Was stock in my 86 never changed over suprisingly.
robert56 said:
Burnhard said:
They banned the sale of body shop primer and paint to the general public in BC. This was a smart move.

No personal offense there friend, but that is a perfect example of why I am thankful to live in the USA, where I usually get to choose what's best - not some bureaucrat.

I can still buy paint, potato chips, Coca Cola and guns. All of the things that other governments KNOW are bad for me....
Non taken. You can buy patato chips,Coca Cola and guns in BC. The reason I posted this was to enlighten others as to the risks. I worked in the trade long enough to see guys die of nasel cancer,throat cancer,lung cancer and the list goes on and on. These guys were trained pros that sprayed in a side draft booth but with out supplied air they were using half mask air purifying respirators.The trade has realy cleaned up in the last 5 years with water born paint, dust control and ventilation.
They did this for a reason shops don't spend money unless there is a need.I don't want my neighbor painting in his garage and venting it on my property.The paint companys have spent $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ to remove isos and make there product safer for the trades.California has some of the strictest laws to protect the environment so this is not a Canada and Europe deal this is a world wide push to clean up the trade.

I like your build and the way you boxed your frame. I think you might have been efected buy the paint fumes why else would you have put a Chevy in your Olds.
Burnhard said:
Epoxy primer is nasty and can cause a whole load of health problems. The young are very vulnerable to the toxic fumes that are given off when spraying as well as during drying. Epoxy is a two part product and has a iso cynate hardner.


What type of products was this person using. ISO CYNATES are not used in the product which I am spraying. I just took some time to research and look into since an interesting topic. I pull the MSDS and nothing in the materials and or first aid indicates any kind of serious ingredients which warrant such extreme care out of the norm as proper clothing, respirators, etc. I guess I dont want to hijack my own thread, but what the heck.
In the shops that I was in we used all brands of auto body paint. I'm not against these products I enjoyed the auto body trade . I just feel that they are for the spraybooth with the right safety gear.Not the home garare/carport/shed/etc
All the old tech paint/primer/clear coat had Iso cynates in the hardner/activator.Auto body products were made for the auto body trade not for the back yarder.

Some old school paint and primer had lead and mercury and other heavy metal in them. So when you sand/grind paint
on your car the lead becomes air born as well as what ever was in the solids.

Auto body old tech two part/component paint/ primer/ clear
You have your paint that is made up of solids, pigment,binders,etc
Then you have your reducer/solvent
Then you have your hardner/activater = iso cynate

Last time I was in a body shop was two years ago and had a good discussion with the guys head painter,prep man,and manager we talked about the new water born paint and were the trade was going. They said that the clear still had iso cynate hardner.

I do not know what primer/paint tech that you are using new old?

I do not want to hijack your thread. I like your build and Thank You for what you are doing for the G body community.
Good luck with the rest of your build.
Burnhard said:
In the shops that I was in we used all brands of auto body paint. I'm not against these products I enjoyed the auto body trade . I just feel that they are for the spraybooth with the right safety gear.Not the home garare/carport/shed/etc
All the old tech paint/primer/clear coat had Iso cynates in the hardner/activator.Auto body products were made for the auto body trade not for the back yarder.

Some old school paint and primer had lead and mercury and other heavy metal in them. So when you sand/grind paint
on your car the lead becomes air born as well as what ever was in the solids.

Auto body old tech two part/component paint/ primer/ clear
You have your paint that is made up of solids, pigment,binders,etc
Then you have your reducer/solvent
Then you have your hardner/activater = iso cynate

Last time I was in a body shop was two years ago and had a good discussion with the guys head painter,prep man,and manager we talked about the new water born paint and were the trade was going. They said that the clear still had iso cynate hardner.

I do not know what primer/paint tech that you are using new old?

I do not want to hijack your thread. I like your build and Thank You for what you are doing for the G body community.
Good luck with the rest of your build.

Burnhard, Thanks for the kind words.

To answer your question about the type of product I am using which is a Keystone Epoxy Prime made by Cumberland...rubber seal...pretty sure. I am pretty sure it would be considered new technology, but thanks for the information as I will look into types of products I am using and be aware of the information that you brought up
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