Time for another update, in typical Rktpwrd fashion:
Lots of pictures, a little text for relevance and some general rambling to bring y’all up to speed.
It’s only been a week since I finished the driver’s side rocker panel moulding, the passenger’s side is in progress, but got shelved for a bit once I got off my week on call. Now, it’s full steam ahead on the body of the car again.
I only had 3 panels left to repair, the passenger door and quarter, and a couple minor spots on the roof. I started by getting straight after getting putty on the door and quarter, and quickly knocked them out in an evening.
Here’s what I started with...
...and after putty and blocking:
Plus this guy I forgot to take “before” pictures of:
The above area was incredibly hard to work on, there’s a diminishing body line that disappears there, plus the convergence of 2 different planes of the metal. It wasn’t pleasant to try and block properly.
Once I had the putty work done, I concentrated on just the door to begin with. Mask and shoot it...
...then block sand, unmask and admire the result:
Next up was the quarter. Lather, rinse and repeat.
Turned out well me thinks!
Tonight I started on the last couple areas that need attention, I’ve got a few spots on the roof that need more primer, plus two small pinholes up there.
I also noticed as I was working that occasionally I’d get a tiny void from something that would show up after I block sanded it. It took me a minute to figure out what was causing it, I ultimately realized that it was teeny tiny little bristles from my gun cleaning brushes that were breaking down and making their way through the gun and onto the surface with the primer! Thankfully I’ve only found 2 spots where that’s occurred, one on the trunk and one on the hood.
I altered my routine to include blowing out the gun and all its components before I reassemble it, and I’ve had no further problems since.
Here’s a look at the problem bristle voids:
And the 2 pinholes on the roof:
These might seem pretty insignificant in the grand scheme of things, but this is the last chance to catch this stuff and fix them. After these are fixed, it’s strictly sanding the whole car twice over, once in 320, and the final time in 400 wet.
I puttied up these spots and blocked them back down, and now I’m good to go to spot in these areas with a bit more high build.
Ready to go for just that now tomorrow night!
There’s not a whole lot left to go, once the roof and other panels have been spot repaired, I’ll begin to go over the whole car with 320 on the DA sander to remove the straight line 220 scratches. That will go quick. Then it’s onto wet sanding with 400 grit, this will be the most time consuming thing left as all the edges will have to be addressed and made perfect.
I’ve locked in the booth rental for sometime between now and June 1st, and have narrowed my clear coat choices down to just a couple. I’ve also already started making my materials and tools/equipment list for what I’ll need in the booth, and will be looking at buying the paint and related stuff very quickly here.
It’s crunch time fellas! Sh!ts getting real right quick!