BUILD THREAD Project Olds Cool (Recognition!!)


Builder of Cool Shjt
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Feb 2, 2015
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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Jan 2, 2006
With the white, I think it'll blend in just fine even without the wheel well molding.
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Builder of Cool Shjt
Supporting Member
Feb 2, 2015
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Time for another update, in typical Rktpwrd fashion:

Lots of pictures, a little text for relevance and some general rambling to bring y’all up to speed.

It’s only been a week since I finished the driver’s side rocker panel moulding, the passenger’s side is in progress, but got shelved for a bit once I got off my week on call. Now, it’s full steam ahead on the body of the car again.

I only had 3 panels left to repair, the passenger door and quarter, and a couple minor spots on the roof. I started by getting straight after getting putty on the door and quarter, and quickly knocked them out in an evening.

Here’s what I started with...



...and after putty and blocking:



Plus this guy I forgot to take “before” pictures of:


The above area was incredibly hard to work on, there’s a diminishing body line that disappears there, plus the convergence of 2 different planes of the metal. It wasn’t pleasant to try and block properly.

Once I had the putty work done, I concentrated on just the door to begin with. Mask and shoot it...



...then block sand, unmask and admire the result:




Next up was the quarter. Lather, rinse and repeat.



Turned out well me thinks!






Tonight I started on the last couple areas that need attention, I’ve got a few spots on the roof that need more primer, plus two small pinholes up there.

I also noticed as I was working that occasionally I’d get a tiny void from something that would show up after I block sanded it. It took me a minute to figure out what was causing it, I ultimately realized that it was teeny tiny little bristles from my gun cleaning brushes that were breaking down and making their way through the gun and onto the surface with the primer! Thankfully I’ve only found 2 spots where that’s occurred, one on the trunk and one on the hood.
I altered my routine to include blowing out the gun and all its components before I reassemble it, and I’ve had no further problems since.

Here’s a look at the problem bristle voids:





And the 2 pinholes on the roof:



These might seem pretty insignificant in the grand scheme of things, but this is the last chance to catch this stuff and fix them. After these are fixed, it’s strictly sanding the whole car twice over, once in 320, and the final time in 400 wet.

I puttied up these spots and blocked them back down, and now I’m good to go to spot in these areas with a bit more high build.

Ready to go for just that now tomorrow night!


There’s not a whole lot left to go, once the roof and other panels have been spot repaired, I’ll begin to go over the whole car with 320 on the DA sander to remove the straight line 220 scratches. That will go quick. Then it’s onto wet sanding with 400 grit, this will be the most time consuming thing left as all the edges will have to be addressed and made perfect.

I’ve locked in the booth rental for sometime between now and June 1st, and have narrowed my clear coat choices down to just a couple. I’ve also already started making my materials and tools/equipment list for what I’ll need in the booth, and will be looking at buying the paint and related stuff very quickly here.

It’s crunch time fellas! Sh!ts getting real right quick!

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Builder of Cool Shjt
Supporting Member
Feb 2, 2015
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Where did you line up the booth Donovan?

Sorry Jeff, I should have elaborated on that. Jared asked me nearly the same question, here’s the cut and paste response from my “birthday thread” that Scott started:

An auto body repair shop that’s one of my customers. He was actually my last choice of the 3 options I had behind the High School booth, but he was actually the most receptive and reasonable to work with. AND he matched the $500/weekend price of the other guy. Only this one is going to show up in the mornings to let me in, then leave until I’m done, no hovering around or distracting me or my voluntolds.


As long as I’m pushing the car onto the trailer Monday morning, he has absolutely no issue with it.
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Builder of Cool Shjt
Supporting Member
Feb 2, 2015
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
So, um yeah.
This kinda happened tonight. 320 dry with the DA then 400 wet on the roof, “A” pillars and drip rails, and the entire hood DA’d out in 320. The roof is now completely 100% finished and ready for sealer and paint.



Got to reacquaint myself with a forgotten phenomenon, primer mud! Yay.
Whole new mess of a ‘nother kind.




But damn it was worth it! Smooth and silky, the sh*t’s even shiny!




Green tape pieces in the last pic bad, more voids from the stupid gun cleaning bristles I missed. But they’ve already been fixed. Onto the trunk most likely tomorrow.

Good progress in a single day, guess you could say I’m “slightly motivated“ now...

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Comic Book Super Hero
Oct 22, 2017
sorry to be tardy to the party kids,there's no shame in striping the ride afterwards.everyone gets all cranked up about "gotta be buried in clear" or else someone's gonna take their fu*king birthday away or something.
those lower on the spectrum lines of single stage(i understand the voc situation) have always been super thin.add met/pearls to the mix it's even worse.i always omit the reducer in the shopline and omni SS.even then it's thin but much easier to handle and for thought anyways..I've been meaning to ask are you dropping the header and/or 1/4 extensions for paint?
glad to hear the booth came through for you.
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Builder of Cool Shjt
Supporting Member
Feb 2, 2015
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
sorry to be tardy to the party kids,there's no shame in striping the ride afterwards.everyone gets all cranked up about "gotta be buried in clear" or else someone's gonna take their fu*king birthday away or something.
those lower on the spectrum lines of single stage(i understand the voc situation) have always been super thin.add met/pearls to the mix it's even worse.i always omit the reducer in the shopline and omni SS.even then it's thin but much easier to handle and for thought anyways..I've been meaning to ask are you dropping the header and/or 1/4 extensions for paint?
glad to hear the booth came through for you.

Funny you should mention the pinstripe thing again. I’m waffling back and forth on spraying them in the booth now. The main stripes will be pretty easy to run and get done in the booth, it’s the ones that go around the trunk that I have planned that will be the time consuming ones. I think for right now, I’m gonna play it by ear and see where I’m at in the process and the time of day and make my decision from there.
But I’m not ruling out doing them afterwards at home either. I’m just not terribly enamoured with the idea of having to do more masking and spraying at home right after leaving the booth.

As for the header panel and quarter extensions, they’re staying put. No sense in opening up a can of worms if I don’t have to.
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Builder of Cool Shjt
Supporting Member
Feb 2, 2015
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Tonight’s progress.

Got a minor little boo boo I put in the hood last night fixed up, then thoroughly cleaned and guide coated the trunk lid.

320 on the DA makes short work of removing the 220 scratches!


Then it was fill the bucket with fresh warm water and go after wet sanding with some new 400 grit paper.


Got it completely finished, including all the edges, body lines and inside the lock recess. Another panel 100% finished and ready to go.

Took a couple pictures with it still wet with wax and grease remover to show the finish and straightness:





I was gonna start wet sanding the hood next, but decided to call it a slightly early night after a long day. I think I’m still ahead of the game to meet my May 30th booth deadline. If I can average even one complete panel a night, I should be in excellent shape and still have time to do some preliminary masking here at home before it has to leave.

That’s all for this week friends. All observations and comments are encouraged if y’all feel so inclined.

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