Well at least the rear glass wasn't damaged.
But the ice should not be a factor, all the more reason for maintaining a safe following distance. That's one of the first rules of driving. In inclement weather, increase following distance. I guaranttee a Lincoln cop would have issued a citation. In 2005 I slid through a red light and was t-boned by an SUV in my new Daytona. Downhill slope, there was no way of stopping. Totalled both vehicles, I was ticketed, and my insurance company paid $13K for the SUV. I would highly suggest talking to a lawyer on this one. The damage looks like it should be well below the value of the car, and often an insurance company would rather just settle than pay for their own lawyers and battle in court. I recently had to get one for a vandalism claim on my Charger. If you'd like the number for my lawyer, shoot me a pm. I don't know if he can practice in Kearney or not, but if not, I'm sure he could recommend someone who could.