I was wondering what happened. You usually post every Sunday night. It’s looking real good. Those are tricky areas to do. Mainly because they’ll be visibible. Having a wheel opening moulding is helpfull. I always set it in place to check for high and low spots
The moulding is a good idea but i dont have any. I wonder if an LS moulding would be the same as an SS without it.
Yea the dog days of summer got to me. Luckily I went on vacation this week. A week of fishing,swimming,and skiing will work wonders for morale.
It wouldn't be 2020 without stuff goin fubar. I think the impellar went out. It started getting hot so we shut it down.

I got home last night and jumped on the car this morning. The top of the wheel arch lip was rusted. I thought the wheelhouse was solid there but i was wrong. I spotblasted until I stopped putting holes in the wheelhouse then cut out the bad.
Alot of these spots were "surface rust" but when I hit it with wire wheels and the spot blaster they grew. I thought I got pictures of it all cut out. I guess I forgot.
I had to get into the body in front of the wheel. It was quite thin so I cut back to clean metal. I used a patch from my spare qtrs. I had to piece this together because i accidentally cut the wrong piece in half while trying to make multiple patches at once.
Here it is welded up and knocked flat.
It turned out alot better then the driver side. Its smooth with no lows/highs that I can feel.Im putting oshpo on it to keep it from rusting until i can get epoxy on the panels. Im stripping the paint out of the trunk now so I can paint the inside of the cab and trunk at one time.
My stepson brought me this yesterday when I picked him up. If it was white itd be a replica