Square body crew

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I have had to use a big pry bar to get some carriers out. The only time I'm aware they use a spreader is during production to same time. In your first pictures I thought you were building a new double whammy mousetrap....
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Ever have one of those days where everything is just aggravating? Despite the rain the aggravation and a splitting sinus headache I managed to get one Hub together with a lockout Hub on it a bearing in it and kingpins in. Didn't get a lot of pictures cuz it's been trial and error all day even though I got a late start at around 11:30 but here's one side cobbled back together

When I go back out I'll Greece it tighten that tie rod throw the wheel back on and start cleaning parts for the other side
That's it I'm not a duck I'm done playing in the rain!

I didn't even Titan the lug nuts I greased it and had enough after I fought with the grease gun for 20 minutes it almost went in the garbage tomorrow's another day
One of those days.. yep. Friday was just another one in a string of them. Motor I put pistons in kept seizing but would start back up immediately smokes like a chimney out of the breather anything above idle but will seemingly idle forever. Cold oil pressure was 48psi. I jacked up the engine and pulled the oil pan off. Pulled a couple main caps off, bearings looked perfect. Pulled all 8 rod caps off, same thing. Put it back together and started it. Oil pressure was the same. But dropped to 25psi within about a minute. It still tried to seize above idle but this time I was pissed and opened the throttle every time it tried to lock up. Blowing clouds of smoke from the breather, 2/3 throttle and struggling to maintain 2500rpm. Did this for about a minute then it cleared up. Sounds great, but oil pressure is sh*t now. Goes to zero and lifters start ticking at idle. Runs 20-30psi at 3000+rpm. It's done. Worst of all is I unbolted the converter to eliminate it as the cause if it seizing/stalling. In doing so it galled the nose of the converter to the crank.

Some days just suck.

Any wagers on how many 6000rpm 1/8th mile long rolling burnouts it will tolerate before it windows the block? It's at three so far.
If you are like me once you get into the job you ignore the weather and get the job done. I'd trade what I am doing now for the job you're going to do. I am trying to get a win 7 hardrive open that is not responding to anything or any repair disk....😢
If it is mechanically failing (whirr...click), just throw it in the freezer. That has saved my bacon a few times.
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One of those days.. yep. Friday was just another one in a string of them. Motor I put pistons in kept seizing but would start back up immediately smokes like a chimney out of the breather anything above idle but will seemingly idle forever. Cold oil pressure was 48psi. I jacked up the engine and pulled the oil pan off. Pulled a couple main caps off, bearings looked perfect. Pulled all 8 rod caps off, same thing. Put it back together and started it. Oil pressure was the same. But dropped to 25psi within about a minute. It still tried to seize above idle but this time I was pissed and opened the throttle every time it tried to lock up. Blowing clouds of smoke from the breather, 2/3 throttle and struggling to maintain 2500rpm. Did this for about a minute then it cleared up. Sounds great, but oil pressure is sh*t now. Goes to zero and lifters start ticking at idle. Runs 20-30psi at 3000+rpm. It's done. Worst of all is I unbolted the converter to eliminate it as the cause if it seizing/stalling. In doing so it galled the nose of the converter to the crank.

Some days just suck.

Any wagers on how many 6000rpm 1/8th mile long rolling burnouts it will tolerate before it windows the block? It's at three so far.
Oh that sucks! I once had a fresh 455 olds blow up 100 yards from the shop were I put it in that was a bad day.
May sound dumb but I did it to a 305 Chevy once. Could the pickup tube be to low in the pan? That was my issue when the 305 did almost the same thing oh and I had a ring in upside down. I was way over my head in that one screwed that up when I was still in school lol
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