Sugar in the tank!

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sugar in gas is older then I am so if sugar ruined engines then I'm sure you don't have to email myth busters to get them to redo their "research" would be all over the internet if it was true that sugar ruined engines but what you have is some guys telling us it ruined their engine....sugar does not dissolve in gas so how is a sugar crystal supposed to get through the filter even if it travels that far?
Apparently you do, pontiacgp.

Tell me why several years ago I cleaned my carburator out DAILY of this sh*t that kept clogging it to the point the engine bogged down and stalled, until I put in a new Holly 750 that experienced the same problems? Either I'm making up a story, or your science is faulty.

Because you're stuck on your theory and science and still refuse to consider that maybe the sugar somehow does, infact, liquify or dissolve or whatever and make it through the filter to the engine.

So in answer to your question: I dunno, you tell me, since you know everything.
454muscle said:
Tell me why several years ago I cleaned my carburator out DAILY of this sh*t that kept clogging it to the point the engine bogged down and stalled, until I put in a new Holly 750 that experienced the same problems? Either I'm making up a story, or your science is faulty.

I dunno, you tell me, since you know everything.

like I said all there is is people telling us that sugar ruined their prove my point

and you have no cause to get cynical with me just because I don't agree with your "proof" I said the proof should be all over the internet but it's not...I wonder why
I don't care if you disagree. You were the one who seemed cynical towards me, but whatever. By the way, I never said "proof" so why would you put words in my mouth?

And how exactly did I "prove" YOUR point?

By the way, here's what one person said "on the internet" by username Kustom Freak on
I used to have a shop yrs backand I've rebuilt a lot of mill's. 1 bag of sugar wont really do too much harm, but, any forieng particles (flour, bleach, syrup, etc...) in the tank/gas will/can clog fuel filter, injectors, will burn funny in the combustion chamber and will begin to foul plugs, making mill run like sh*te and will make its way into the oil - and thats where things go horrible. Sugar in the oil when it hits yer bearings will/can burn a spot on the bearing surface and will greatly (if it hits the bearing) reduce engine life (its what makes connecting rods knock). This also goes for water or coolant that happens to mix with the oil. This is why you have an oil filter, so this sh*te doesnt end up on bearings, or clogging oil galleys.
Thank you 454.

And Pontiac, do you want proof? Goto my photo album. If you want further proof ill give you my phone number and I'll send you a video msg of the engine running like total hell with the old sugared carb, and then running amazing when i put a used edelbrock 750 with fuel still in the bowls on it, and then roughly 10 minutes later it started trying to die again.

I'm not getting hostile or anything, just stating what i know based on FACTS that I've learned the "hard way". And if your still not convinced, and hell bent on believing people who are obviously wrong, and i say that because i know for a FACT that I'm right, then go sugar your tank and see what happens.

Almost forgot, if you take nearly freezing cold water and dump sugar into it, then strain it out really fast so the sugar doesn't have time to break down, and i say cold water because the sugar doesn't want to break down in cold water, the water will still taste like sugar, even though the sugar didn't dissolve.

And i should also state, that at the time i didn't have a fuel filter on my car, just the inline filter IN the carb.
camaroadam...with all due respect your just a guy on a forum talking about your experience with an engine...if the valves were white in your engine that indicates a very lean mixture and a lean mixture can fry an engine, sugar turns brown when heated. Sugar in gas tanks has been around for a long time so why is it there is no research you can point to that has a conclusion sugar can ruin an engine...I'll tell you why, it doesn't..sugar has a better chance now if there is any alcohol in the gas you buy because sugar will dissolve in alcohol that can lead to a trace of sugar making it through the filter but not enough to have any effect....and your thanking 454 for his post that included this?..." a bag of sugar wont really do too much harm"
pontiacgp said:
camaroadam...with all due respect your just a guy on a forum talking about your experience with an engine...if the valves were white in your engine that indicates a very lean mixture and a lean mixture can fry an engine, sugar turns brown when heated. Sugar in gas tanks has been around for a long time so why is it there is no research you can point to that has a conclusion sugar can ruin an engine...I'll tell you why, it doesn't..sugar has a better chance now if there is any alcohol in the gas you buy because sugar will dissolve in alcohol that can lead to a trace of sugar making it through the filter but not enough to have any effect....and your thanking 454 for his post that included this?..." a bag of sugar wont really do too much harm"
Wow thanks for clearing that one up. I guess that sludge that I cleaned off my carburator about 6 times and finally that sludge that made it into the new Holly wasn't sugar after all. Must have been my imagination. And I must have wasted my money on that new gas tank, because I obviously didn't need it! I coulda swore it was full of sugar when I tried dumping it. The hesitations, the car stalling in the middle of the road, pulling over. None of it was real. Man I'm gonna go check myself in first thing tomorrow morning at the local mental institute and tell them about my hallucinations. That happenned 10 years ago. About sugar that didn't really exist.
:?: Well that's the only possible solution. I wouldn't want to be narrow minded or anything. :roll:
I don't mean to insult anyone but to deny the science of this subject is to be narrow minded. The scientists who have done the research and come to the above conclusions are several times more qualified to weigh in on whether or not this is possible. I am not talking about Mythbusters as I don't happen to take any of my knowledge from a Discovery channel television show.
drogg1 said:
I don't mean to insult anyone but to deny the science of this subject is to be narrow minded. The scientists who have done the research and come to the above conclusions are several times more qualified to weigh in on whether or not this is possible. I am not talking about Mythbusters as I don't happen to take any of my knowledge from a Discovery channel television show.
Nah man, no need for anyone to get insulted.
I get what you're saying -- but what science? From what scientists?

Here's a question drogg1. What if you found sugar in your gas tank, then, after driving for a bit, found your car begin to hesitate and stall. You inspect your engine and find goo in your new carburator. What would you conclude? Scientists say it's not possible, so I must be something else? You find the same goo inside your tank. And if you conclude it's the sugar that made it to your carburator or fuel injectors (if EFI) then you're saying it's being narrow minded?

<-- you find goo in the carb

To be open minded, by definition, means to be open to the possibliity that there may be another, overlooked factor. To be open to the possibility that maybe the "science" is wrong.

To be narrow minded, by definition, is to stubbornly stick to your conclusions, without looking at any additional new evidence that may disprove it.
I'm not sure if im dating myself butt.... growing up i did always hear about how suger in a gas tank would ruin a motor. i dont want to get in the debate of myth busters and all that stuff. BUT, i keep reading different opinions and how suger does not desolve in gasoline. Maybe thats the issue. Suger does not desolve in gasoline. the crystolits do and will eventualy make it to thru the fuel stream then clogging it up by accumulation and also possibly causing other things like not allowing valves to completly close(again do to accumulation) and the rest is basically a domino effect.......
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