Here's what I'll be setting up on my car, after a long time thinking about it.
Moog 5662 front coils, will be cut for 1" - 1.5" drop (I need one above 700 lb/in spring rate)
any fully adjustable front shock, set at hard
Front anti roll bar, found one on summit at 1 3/8"
positive caster, negative camber, toe out (just a little)
Moog 6377, will be cut for the same 1"-1.5" drop (need one above 140 lb/in)
fully adjustable shock, set half
stock rear sway bar for now (I don't want to go bigger than 1" unless I have a hard time putting power to the ground, in which case I'll need to make my own front sway bar to compensate cuz they don't make one bigger than 1.5")
16x8 gotti 3 piece aluminum rims
some sort of summer performance 255/50/16 tire (will need to find appropriate backspacing, could be a headache to fit on the front... but I will make it work)
new jounce bumpers
already have a GM fast ratio 12:1 steering box
stiffen it all up with as many braces I can get, and new bushings on everything I can think of
take a little air out of the front tires and a little more outta the back and it should be handling much better than a FWD ricer
both those springs have one tangential end so they can be cut a good ways without hurting performance, just make sure you don't want a smooth ride before installing
Moog 5662 front coils, will be cut for 1" - 1.5" drop (I need one above 700 lb/in spring rate)
any fully adjustable front shock, set at hard
Front anti roll bar, found one on summit at 1 3/8"
positive caster, negative camber, toe out (just a little)
Moog 6377, will be cut for the same 1"-1.5" drop (need one above 140 lb/in)
fully adjustable shock, set half
stock rear sway bar for now (I don't want to go bigger than 1" unless I have a hard time putting power to the ground, in which case I'll need to make my own front sway bar to compensate cuz they don't make one bigger than 1.5")
16x8 gotti 3 piece aluminum rims
some sort of summer performance 255/50/16 tire (will need to find appropriate backspacing, could be a headache to fit on the front... but I will make it work)
new jounce bumpers
already have a GM fast ratio 12:1 steering box
stiffen it all up with as many braces I can get, and new bushings on everything I can think of
take a little air out of the front tires and a little more outta the back and it should be handling much better than a FWD ricer
both those springs have one tangential end so they can be cut a good ways without hurting performance, just make sure you don't want a smooth ride before installing