the funniest story!!!

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81monte355 said:
Hi i am new here i singed up 4 it a while ago tho. This is a true story from back in the day my uncle told me that his starter in his chrysler went out at night time and looked down the block and happen have a another chrysler down the block. :idea: so he grabsa couple tools and steals out starter and he cut postive cable. he was back on the road the same night. netx day he sees the tow truck picking up that car. i would just imgne the face on the mechinc face when he sees the starter gone :rofl: :rofl:
Your uncle sounds like a dick :lol:
dogshit said:
Hey you can get the heater core for that 72 Beetle from the same place that sells their oils filters.

Female Cadillac owner to me : " For as much as I paid for this car, I should not have to change the oil "
This conversation occurred after she drove it for 28,000 miles having never changed or had the oil checked.
The poor engine locked up while she was on the freeway. We pulled the drain plug and not one drop of oil came out.
I still can't believe how that car ran as long as it did. :wink:

That one's for you Ritter :mrgreen: , before they went to the ACDelco bottles, the GM bottle just said Manual Transmission Fluid, lol.

Years ago 10 or so, a friend of mine had an 89 Diplomat ex cop car, he asked me to get rid of the lean burn system and switch it over to a regualr electronic ignition and pre-emission carb. I took the job on, The car had been sitting for around a couple years because he couldn't get it to run after trying to clean up under the hood. So I read through the instructions I was given, looked over the parts given, and went to work. We started throwing back a few beers as the night progressed, as we got closer to fire time, my buddy says to me, hey, should I prime the carb with gas before we try to start it, I said shouldn't need to but you can if you please, lol. When we were ready to fire, I gave the carb a drop of gas down its throat, hit the key and it came to life for the first time in years. My friend got so excited, he grabs a beer bottle takes a huge gulp, and lets out this kind of Death metal growl noise. I look over to his face beat red, tongue hanging out, repeating the growl over and over. I say wtf is wrong with you? Then I asked, dude, did you just drink from the bottle I used to prime the carb with? The look on face when I said that, said it all, :lol: . All my friends still crack up anytime that story gets brought up, and my friend was just fine, gave him a bunch of water, lucky him he didn't actually swallow much if any.
Oldsmoletick said:

That one's for you Ritter :mrgreen: , before they went to the ACDelco bottles, the GM bottle just said Manual Transmission Fluid, lol.

Years ago 10 or so, a friend of mine had an 89 Diplomat ex cop car, he asked me to get rid of the lean burn system and switch it over to a regualr electronic ignition and pre-emission carb. I took the job on, The car had been sitting for around a couple years because he couldn't get it to run after trying to clean up under the hood. So I read through the instructions I was given, looked over the parts given, and went to work. We started throwing back a few beers as the night progressed, as we got closer to fire time, my buddy says to me, hey, should I prime the carb with gas before we try to start it, I said shouldn't need to but you can if you please, lol. When we were ready to fire, I gave the carb a drop of gas down its throat, hit the key and it came to life for the first time in years. My friend got so excited, he grabs a beer bottle takes a huge gulp, and lets out this kind of Death metal growl noise. I look over to his face beat red, tongue hanging out, repeating the growl over and over. I say wtf is wrong with you? Then I asked, dude, did you just drink from the bottle I used to prime the carb with? The look on face when I said that, said it all, :lol: . All my friends still crack up anytime that story gets brought up, and my friend was just fine, gave him a bunch of water, lucky him he didn't actually swallow much if any.
Also, not to be left out of the fray


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Here's a kind of funny/stupid thing I did once:

Back when I had my first gbody (1980 GP SJ) I was working in a machine shop (was my ex bosses garage converted to a shop). He was out of town for a week so his wife would let me in the shop and I did my thing. On the first or second day when I went to leave my car wouldn't start. Basically I would turn the key, there would be a click, and then everything went dead. So I assumed the old battery was the problem and bought a new one. Still doing the same thing. So it HAD to be the starter. The next day I went to Canadian Tire to buy a new starter and solenoid, and here's a side story that;s kinda funny:

In Canadian Tire, I went to the parts counter to get my parts. And I bump into a buddy I hadn't see for a few years. We
start talking about our cars. He tells me about his mustang he just dumped a bunch of money into and says I should come
out and check it out. So we go out there look over his car and chat it up for a bit. The he says he has to get going, and I
say the same. Then I realize I walked out of the store carrying my parts and forgot to pay for them. Well we had been out
there for at least 1/2 hour, so I figured if no one had come out, I was all good lol. Score a free part lol.

Anyway, so I go and swap the starter out (car parked on the street, in the dark), and still the same thing. I'm pretty pissed off at this point so I just gave up and went home. A few days later my boss came back home and I told him what was happening (he was pretty good with cars) and he said he would check it out.

So we pop the hood and he says it sounds like a ground problem. I told him it was good, but then he grabs the ground cable and follows it to the exhaust manifold (301 car) and it was loose there. He tightens with his hand and says try it, and it fired right up lol.

Now I ALWAYS check my grounds whenever there is any kind of electrical problem.
@Phoenix, my old instructor used to do that all the time. I would be struggling with something, he would come over and fix it without even trying :lol:
Have you ever fought with a stubborn valve cover bolt that refused to thread into it's hole, and you get so mad that you turn around and throw the damned thing and it bounces off the side of your neighbor's garage and lands somewhere in the grass? Then you realize you don't have any spare bolts and you're forced to pick little pebbles and beer bottle caps packed with dirt out of the grass on your hands and knees until you finally find the bolt your dumb *ss threw 3 hours earlier? No? Me neither.
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