That one's for you Ritter

, before they went to the ACDelco bottles, the GM bottle just said Manual Transmission Fluid, lol.
Years ago 10 or so, a friend of mine had an 89 Diplomat ex cop car, he asked me to get rid of the lean burn system and switch it over to a regualr electronic ignition and pre-emission carb. I took the job on, The car had been sitting for around a couple years because he couldn't get it to run after trying to clean up under the hood. So I read through the instructions I was given, looked over the parts given, and went to work. We started throwing back a few beers as the night progressed, as we got closer to fire time, my buddy says to me, hey, should I prime the carb with gas before we try to start it, I said shouldn't need to but you can if you please, lol. When we were ready to fire, I gave the carb a drop of gas down its throat, hit the key and it came to life for the first time in years. My friend got so excited, he grabs a beer bottle takes a huge gulp, and lets out this kind of Death metal growl noise. I look over to his face beat red, tongue hanging out, repeating the growl over and over. I say wtf is wrong with you? Then I asked, dude, did you just drink from the bottle I used to prime the carb with? The look on face when I said that, said it all, :lol: . All my friends still crack up anytime that story gets brought up, and my friend was just fine, gave him a bunch of water, lucky him he didn't actually swallow much if any.