BUILD THREAD “The Juggernaut”

Not to get too side tracked but do you know if they make convex mirrors in that shape???

Not that I’ve seen in my internet travels Tony. About the only thing I’ve seen is some slight discrepancies in size, and not sure why. Possibly because of slight variations in the shape across the different models, Corvette, Fiero, F body etc?
But no convex ones.

Just slap a couple of those stick-on bubble trailer towing jobbies on and send it.
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Got some good news today, I reached out to McLeod Racing to inquire if the new hydraulic throwout bearing I bought for the old T56 would work in the new Tremec, and the answer came back “yes”.

I’ll have to buy 2 additional parts though, a threaded adjustment screw, and the bearing retainer. Small beans in comparison to the $5-600 price tag for a different throwout bearing.



I’ve also got something else in the works related to the transmission hydraulic system, but I have to remain tight lipped on it until it becomes a reality. Waiting on the manufacturer to release their newest production run after being back ordered for over a year.

Their estimated release date is the end of March.
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Got some good news today, I reached out to McLeod Racing to inquire if the new hydraulic throwout bearing I bought for the old T56 would work in the new Tremec, and the answer came back “yes”.

I’ll have to buy 2 additional parts though, a threaded adjustment screw, and the bearing retainer. Small beans in comparison to the $5-600 price tag for a different throwout bearing.

View attachment 234711

View attachment 234712

I’ve also got something else in the works related to the transmission hydraulic system, but I have to remain tight lipped on it until it becomes a reality. Waiting on the manufacturer to release their newest production run after being back ordered for over a year.

Their estimated release date is the end of March.

What style throw out bearing do you have now? That looks adjustable to eliminate the need for shims?
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Well, after several weeks now of on-again, off-again filler and blocking work, I’m finally almost to the point of masking up both fenders and shooting some poly spray filler.

Base filler work done now on the passenger’s side…



…then skim everything in a light coat of polyester putty…


…and block that out:



Today I’m addressing the last few little areas, skimming, blocking, and radiusing the edges of the inner flanges.



As it currently stands, I have one last flange to fill and block, block sand the top of the driver’s fender and a little more of the door, then give the shop a good cleanup.

After that, probably tomorrow, I’ll start masking the fenders and doors for spraying product. Really looking forward to seeing everything in one color again!
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Well I didn’t quite get to spraying today, in fact I didn’t even get the car completely masked off, but I did get damn close.

I did get the inner wheelwell flanges licked, the remainder of the doors and fenders prepped up, the shop completely cleaned up and blown out, and 95% of the car masked.

Had to grab a couple quick pics once the car was cleaned up and while the weather was decent enough to have the big door open.



Trust me, this is the cleanest the shop has been in several weeks.

After those pictures were taken, I closed the big door and got down to masking the car. Another hour or so, and it should be completely done and ready to go.





I yanked the front wheels off to make it easier to access all the difficult to reach spots, and made sure to support the car under the lower control arms to maintain the support in the right areas so that I didn’t get any misalignment of the panels due to frame sag.

So tomorrow after work, it’s go time. Finish masking off the bottoms of the fenders, plastic everything, give the panels a good cleaning with wax and grease remover, then start with a coat of epoxy. After that, 2-3 coats of sprayable body filler, and then the blocking will start once again.

This isn’t the end, but rather the beginning of the end. Better start scheming on what to tackle next.
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Well, it took an additional day due to the complexity and completion of the masking and plastic process, but tonight I finally got to spraying.

This is the end result after 2 coats of epoxy primer and 2 coats of poly spray filler:






That’s a lot of work to this point for Malibu flares on Cutlass fenders. But well worth it IMO, I think they not only look like they belong there, but also like it came that way which was the point.

And the additional work to eliminate the dive between panels? This is what it’s looking like so far:



As I said before, this isn’t the end of the process, but it is the beginning of the end. Next step is to block out the surfaces in 120 grit and see how it comes out. If everything blocks out ok, then we’re laughing and can finish it off with another round of blocking in 220, and then 2 coats of regular high build primer surfacer.

If not, then it’s back to 2 more coats of spray filler and repeat the blocking process. Either way, I’m going to attempt to leave the car masked up for the time being to try and save some time and effort.

The end is in sight though!
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Well, it took an additional day due to the complexity and completion of the masking and plastic process, but tonight I finally got to spraying.

This is the end result after 2 coats of epoxy primer and 2 coats of poly spray filler:

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View attachment 235081

That’s a lot of work to this point for Malibu flares on Cutlass fenders. But well worth it IMO, I think they not only look like they belong there, but also like it came that way which was the point.

And the additional work to eliminate the dive between panels? This is what it’s looking like so far:

View attachment 235083

View attachment 235082

As I said before, this isn’t the end of the process, but it is the beginning of the end. Next step is to block out the surfaces in 120 grit and see how it comes out. If everything blocks out ok, then we’re laughing and can finish it off with another round of blocking in 220, and then 2 coats of regular high build primer surfacer.

If not, then it’s back to 2 more coats of spray filler and repeat the blocking process. Either way, I’m going to attempt to leave the car masked up for the time being to try and save some time and effort.

The end is in sight though!
It does look like it came that way. Awesome job!
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