The Made in USA thread

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Holley/Flowtech made in Bowling Green, KY. The stuff I've had was anyway.
I go so far out of my way to search for and purchase American made goods that it sometimes pisses my wife off, but she is getting use to it. It is very easy to find American made products if you just look.
McGard wheel locks, still made in NY State. Also one of the few chrome platers that invested in clean technology so they could keep the plating operation in-house. I use them on ALL my vehicles, and they never rust. Hey! That's a great link! Thank's!
Also, a lot of the purolator/pure one oil filters are made here, you just gotta check it.
galeaiii said:
I go so far out of my way to search for and purchase American made goods that it sometimes pisses my wife off, but she is getting use to it. It is very easy to find American made products if you just look.

I am the same way and my wife also now expects it from me. She does look for USA just not as much as I do. Whenever I go to buy anything I have a few simple rules:

1. Is it made in the USA/Canada. If yes buy it, if no see rule 2
2. Is it made in China. If yes see rule 4, if no see rule 3
3. Is it something we can wait for and order USA made. If no then buy it, if yes source USA product
4. Does anyone else make it or can we live without it. If we can find it made elsewhere then we do, if we can live without it. we do. If we absolutely have to have it and no one else makes it then buy the China POS

My basic rule is USA 1st, anyone but China 2nd... To that end we almost never shop @ Walmart anymore.

Yes, it cost more initially, but it also lasts and performs better in the long run. So costs less over life of product. I would rather spend more $$$ and employ Americans and keep my $$ in America then funnel it to countries that don't have our best interests at heart.
This may cause some uproar, far as foreign car manufactures go, yeah you're Honda, Toyota might've been assembled in IN or KY, etc but when you buy one, the majority of your $ is going to Japan,etc & boosting their economy. Nearly all the parts are made over seas, they are just assembled here. the other small portion goes to paying those that work at foreign plates in the US. They deal here because they get major tax breaks that the big 3 don't, get away from unions that our car builders have & can make a larger profit by offshoring it here, even with paying higher wages. its just offshoring the market, they build cars here for the same reason that we offshore to China, Mex, etc..better breaks & more profit. many don't think of it this way. Not to cause a huge rant, just throwing that out there. But on the plus side, it does provide jobs that we need badly
Your last comment was the most important. Honda Toyota etc provide thousands of jobs in this country that provide Americans good paying Jobs that are desperately needed. They manage to do this without asking the government for interest free loans and handouts for blatant mismanagement.
Diamond gusset jeans are made in the USA

Hanes socks are made in the USA

Some New Balance shoes are made in the USA
88cscb said:
Your last comment was the most important. Honda Toyota etc provide thousands of jobs in this country that provide Americans good paying Jobs that are desperately needed. They manage to do this without asking the government for interest free loans and handouts for blatant mismanagement.

there is a Toyota plant in my area and I have friends working there. When Japan was hit with the earthquake and tsunami the plant was almost shut down till Japan could make the parts for the cars. The bastards never got any local production companies to make any parts. There are no one from this country who run the plants and they treat the people on the floor like dogs. The only reason the people work there is for the pay. As for no government money they are given the land to build their plants and are given many other benefits to open up here.
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