The Made in USA thread

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ve3oky said:
Another thing to consider besides where the product is made, is where the support for the product is. Nothing more frustrating then not only having something not work, but trying to talk to someone in india to get it fixed.

Companies like HP have out sourced support oversea's for about 90% of the products they make. While Apple and AT&T have been able to keep support in North America.

I agree. Remember Gateway 2000 later changed to Gateway computers? They WERE made in N. Sioux City, SD, and provided many good paying jobs. They also provided excellent phone tech support, also located in the same complex they made them. They spoke English, knew every inch of the hardware\software of your system, and provided a no questions asked warranty on them. Try calling a tech support line now. You can't understand what they are talking about, since their english is so broken.

One of my all time favorite USA beers, made in Rochester, NY :banana: . Go figure, same city my favorite carburetor was made :mrgreen: .

*edit* Just to add, purchased from my local independantly owned produce and beverage mart.
Are DeWalt tools still made in the USA? They are top-notch.

Oldsmoletick said:
One of my all time favorite USA beers, made in Rochester, NY :banana: . Go figure, same city my favorite carburetor was made :mrgreen: .

*edit* Just to add, purchased from my local independantly owned produce and beverage mart.

Lucky, here in PA we don't have produce and beverage marts. We gotta go all the way to the liquor store or the beer distributor, :blam:.
I remember that from the last time I went to Rausch Creek, I went to the local pharmacy, no beer, gas station, no beer :wtf: , I then realized "where" I was.
Oldsmoletick said:
I remember that from the last time I went to Rausch Creek, I went to the local pharmacy, no beer, gas station, no beer :wtf: , I then realized "where" I was.

Haha, yeah it sucks here. On top of that, All the liquor stores are government owned, so they have a monopoly on booze here. Although beer distributors can be privately owned, so that ain't bad.
joesregalproject said:
Oldsmoletick said:
I remember that from the last time I went to Rausch Creek, I went to the local pharmacy, no beer, gas station, no beer :wtf: , I then realized "where" I was.

Haha, yeah it sucks here. On top of that, All the liquor stores are government owned, so they have a monopoly on booze here. Although beer distributors can be privately owned, so that ain't bad.

here they are gov controlled as well so I always ask why do they waste tax payer money to advertise since I can't go anywhere else to buy my booze.
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