Turbo 350 Oldsmobile build.

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joe_padavano said:
How much boost does that turbo generate when the butterflies are opened?
There is a block off plate installed between the intake scoop and the carbs.
Yes, 88husrtolds, that's the car i had in mind when I talked about how he should set his up. That thing is a BEAST. SLEEPER!!. I love the polished custom BBO manifold's he used. Personally, I would have gone port FI with a Victor intake. But he's pushing just under 800hp under 5000rpm. :mrgreen:


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That's a very cool article Blake but it does specifically mention that without the 'Rocket Fluid' methanol injections many drivers prematurely destroyed those engines 'under detonation' all the same symptoms I was predicting could surface during testing stage on his w-30 block too... I never said it 'cant be done' to do this turbo set-up that would not be true. I was taught that a hot rodder is a person who takes a set of circumstances and boring auto parts that are worthless and turns it into something desirable like an artist; getting a turbo to work on a olds is not hot-rodding - its borderline engineering. There's nothing wrong with engineering and advanced mechanics; Someone like me who is prone to the occasional mathematical mistake would do better to adapt a proven system with the R&D already done every time. At least that way there's a lot of reference points and reading material you can study after encountering a problem. When doing a high hp turbo engine, one small mistake can destroy thousands of dollars of progress. One miscalculation and that's it you may have to take it all apart and start completely over!
If he just goes FI he can skip all that detonation and blowing piston rings out bs - hopefully. Better reinforce your rear end before turning that turbo on though. That's another thing you guys haven't mention. When I was researching turbos and superchargers I ruled them out right away. Many people have installed them on daily drivers and got less than 2,500 miles before the cars on the lift b/c the whole suspension is shot. Look through old posts. Lots of people have enjoyed succesful swaps for a short time only to later disappear off the site for good... most likely b/c they later beat the suspension to death and could not afford to save the car and had to sell! You can't expect a stock suspension to hold up long with boost going through it. Even if you have brand new shocks/springs thats not good enough. You don't have to copy the GN suspension set-up or put a roll-cage but you do have to do something at least...


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Mark had that engine in a 58 Chevy truck.
The D/DX based small block engine was in the bed of the truck and he used a TH425 Toro drivetrain.
It was bad *ss...

He has done a lot with E85 and turbo Olds with diesel small blocks.
I have one of his ground 425 cranks for my DX turbo build.

Wish he was still around RIP 🙁

Wow this has gotten many responses. Thanks for the thread refrences. The olds with the TT setup is spectacular its beyond cool. I believe he is using a blow through carb too. But I will pass on that. That is beyond the limits im looking for. Ive been doing my home work and I have a good idea as to what parts should mesh together. As one of you did say using a bigger turbo would be at best interest due to " lagg " at lower rpms, but its good. At thresh hold rpms we could see 8-10 lbs max. So my question is what turbo would anyone sugest? Ive thought about a 68-76mm turbo...

Most TBI systems peak out @ 600hp. I have no plans to pour over 600hp. Id say I plan on making between 450-500hp. 500 being greedy. But thats close enough to put the TBI system at high demand and id rather be safe that sorry. Port injected systems are way more tollerable to high demand setups...So my question is what aftermarket Olds manifolds can accept port injection? I know mondello sells a kit but...

I dont see a real problem as to why 450hp is too much for an Olds Sb. Anyone care to differ? These engines are strong. Now if where talking 600+ than maybe where asking for trouble. I dont expect to get 100,000mi out of it either. The dirveability of the holley systems are crazy. Its a push button and let the cpu do its thing. And thats where the internals can be treated nice a carbed setup is prone the detonation and pining. as where internal stegnth is questionable, but not with an Efi setup like I said the cpu sees it and its corrected.

A gbody frame would be the weakest link yes like pancero said. For my best bet boxed in every thing would be key lol. Some new bushing etc.
Ill grab some pics of the engine too. So we can look at what were working with. Im really looking forward into a setup that is compact like the Gnx turbo close and manifolds tucked away. Its really my only option if its going into a gbody. And im still in need of a nod. Crank... 😢 I want to clean up the garage organanize my Cutlass stuff from my Nova stuff. And get the 350 off the cherry picker and onto a stand. Then ill shoot some pics. Oh and Mark who build all these turbo Olds engines :bump:
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