I bought from UMI for their good reputation and I don't regret it. I feel that Duane at UMI has been really helpful and that means the most to me. I wouldn't hesitate to buy from them again. I would just call them first to discuss my project.
When you're building cars there's always something that can go wrong and this to me is a minor issue. This car is 33 years old and I have no idea what it's been through before I got it. Since December this car has had new paint, new interior and an LS swap. This isn't the first problem I've had and it won't be the last.
Also don't forget human error. It's possible I have the springs in wrong or somehow there was a mix up in manufacturing. Duane said if I did send the springs back they would test them, but I need to get this thing to the tire shop soon. So I chose to cut them.
When you're building custom cars or trucks it's easy to get a part that doesn't fit or work quite like you thought it would. Prior to this car I built a '51 Chevy truck(see photo below) and I lost count of all the times it happened. I have had 3 different engines, 2 rear suspension and rear end setups and 2 different front brake setups on there. If you expect every thing to go perfectly the first time, this might be the wrong hobby.
To me it's about the customer service you receive when something does go wrong.
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If you are going to make excuses for a company,
Why did you even start this thread?