Managed to survive my last working day of the present rotation only to have some ?? decide that being in the left hand turn lane opposite me on the way home didn't mean they had to turn left just because the lane markings told them to. I did manage to execute my left and got out of the way of this squirrel only to watch the driver pass by me on the wrong side of the road; still headed straight!! Got home, went to the fridge and almost, but not quite, made it a Miller night.
Not sure what it is about warmth in the middle of winter. The squirrel factor went up about a thousand percent last week and I got to watch more misses and WTF? situations than I ever could be comfortable with. Glad I am out of the rotation for the next two weeks. The weather is supposed to remain warm but that, around here, tends to include either S*** or freezing rain. In either case, if I don't need to be and mucking around then I don't plan to.