Added more km's to my Fuggly, that is a Nissan NV 1500 micro van for the curious. The moniker comes from a friend who, when he first saw one, commented that "Boy, was it ever F**k**g Ugly". So it became a Fuggly for short. Told him at the time his taste was in his tongue. I've seen a lot nastier looking creations on the streets and hiding behind the loosely applied appellative of "vehicle". The 1500 is no Lambo but then the Lambo has to have a ski rack added to it just to transport a purse!! I managed at one point to put around 1800 lbs of cargo in the cargo bay and it didn't seem to mind. A little slower on the take off and needed a little more space for braking, just to be kinder to the mechanicals but all in a day's work. As for the nickname, i don't use the term around the rest of the team. it would take too long to explain and at least one of them might be offended by the language or the reference; it's a generational thing and extremely subjective; they take offensive at the weirdest things.
So I did my prescribed hot laps/routes around the city, tried to stay away from humanity because they are all sick, and made the rounds, deliveries and pickups, according to the route guide and protocols. The NIssan has an A/C that works so my office is comfortable, social interaction is minimal, it all works for me. This is a lather, rinse, repeat exercise and I enjoy it for nine months of the year; winter just flat sucks and there is no way around it. Anywhere that used to be warm in the winter is now on fire and tourists and snowbirds are likely to be a-heading to any of them any time soon.