What did you do to your G-Body today? [2011-2018]

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I didn't spend any money, my friend owns a stereo shop but the ice shield is a lot cheaper than the acoustic mats they sell for vehicles. If you go to a roofing company you can probably buy enough to do your car from what the have left over from jobs for a few $$..

and to get back on theme I put my battery on charge to get it ready to move my GP to our new race shop
Fixed a broken ground wire on the core support,now my headlights work like they should.Took the battery tray out wire brush it an painted it,Changed some light bulbs,Tried to wire my tack but i can't remember what color wire on the tack "blue or green" wire to hook the coil ANY ONE KNOW ? It's a SUNTUNE
installed the new headliner and 1 visor . then the new dome light i am loving the black. still need to order the black seat covers lol blue dont look good with the black. hope to get the door panels installed soon


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wonderboy24 said:
got the drivers side door panel install.

those like nice
Got my wiring harness re ran for my tach an got it working.Figured out that the green wire went to the coil,Screwed the lower dash hush panel back in on the drivers side,i also worked on a damn dodge too that's no surprises is it lol
repaired, tested and installed tailight harness. installled spoolfool 1 piece rear bumper filler and bumper.
finnished up my k5 "2wd" swap(all fitted and "bolted up" 8)ROLLING,still ALOT to do)so i had time to take some measurements for my t-top "conversion" on my 84 mcSS.Waiting for some vinyl top surround trim(thanks jon!)and possibly some feedback/pointers from member "speedbuff" that gave me the inspiration 8) i also fitted my caprice headlghts,along with, trimming/fitting the trim bezels and grill(mock up stage)on m 87 elco.now time to purchase new britework,cut/trim accordingly,prime,then sell,along with my front and rear glass bumpers:mrgreen: (decided to put BACK ON my mcSS clip i had previously on my elco,i hAd mixed thoughts on using this or dishing out the flow for a choo-choo nose :blam: )figured since i have 4 of these(mcSS) front clips along with the,hoods,doors,and fenders,it would be cheaper? stay tuned!!,and pm me if interested in the elco/malibu caprice headlight set-up :mrgreen:


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L.A.X-RATED said:
so i had time to take some measurements for my t-top "conversion" on my 84 mcSS.Waiting for some vinyl top surround trim(thanks jon!)and possibly some feedback/pointers from member "speedbuff" that gave me the inspiration 8)

So am I understanding this correctly that you are doing a t-top conversion on an 84' Monte SS but you are adding a half vinyl to cover the seam?
When I finally installed the aftermarket SS nose on my car I could not wait to get the half vinyl off my car and while it was still on it looked to me
like someone added a vinyl to cool looking SS, in my opinion a half vinyl looks as out of place on an SS (or a conversion) as much as it would being on a Grand National.
yes you are right! :mrgreen: i am adding a vinyl FULL top on a 84 mcSS,BUT im gonna be replacing all the "SS" SPECIFIC"(say that 3 times fast!lol)i.e,nose,blackout trim and replacing the nose wIth a custom SC header,and lower "moulded" bumper cover w/deleted bumper guards and parking/signal lights,(which still is in the "moulding stage" :roll: and in which the parking/signal lights will be relocted to the bottom of grill)and as for the trim im replacin it with the chrome from a sc as well.adding the t-roof also required me to add/utilize a vinyl top for the "insertion" and "bringing-together" of the 2 roof panels as well.as for the "vinyl" top im going to be using a black "pebble grain" top for a 70 monte carlo :wink🙁ME call it a mc "CLS") YES,i agree a vinyl top has no buisness on a 4th gen SS,just dont look at all right :puke: this,and the fact that i already have a factory 87 t-topped SS,as well as a 88 t-topped aero SS,and a 86 hardtop SS :wink: LOL,i was actually doing a gn clone with the t-roof cut in and vinyl top :rofl: but decided to do the mc,since i already had the "OTHERS" in my possesion :blam:to use as a "reference"


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