So. ignoring the Hurst catalogue all together, I just chose to do a little digging in the transmission tote box and found my other shifter handle. This one is both curved and sits taller overall. Will need to have the upholstery and chair installed before I can test fit myself into place and check for now it feels. I did up-space the front mount for the console by about 5/16ths of an inch using spacers salvaged from between some old chair tracks and the track to seat frame mounting bolts. If I can come with another console body I am giving some thought to sectioning it lengthwise and seeing what I can come up with.
And, also as promised, a few pics of the finally installed for good Z-BAR!! The tubing that seems to intruding into the picture is actually the stainless steel tube that I cut and shaped for the new front and rear brake systems. It travels all the way from the proportioning valve to the calipers and is connected to the brakes using fittings from several different suppliers because I could not find one that offered a complete selection.
Which brings up a couple of questions. First one being, Does anyone have a diagram that shows the location of the return spring for the clutch throwout arm? Thinking I may have to make the actual tab or bracket but nowhere near sure of where it ought to fall under there.
The second question is an oldie but a goody. Months back I asked the forum board if anyone had a chart or listing for combinations of weights and cams and springs for the advance mechanism of an HEI? The amount of advance and the speed at which it comes in is going to be completely different from an automatic to a clutch/stick and I don't want the motor to be under or over advanced during shifts.