Now after reading this in the other thread I need to ask if you are trying to get the lighting for when you turn on the parking/headlights? Or is this to power the back light when the head unit is on? If you need the back light on when the key is on then you'll need to either tap in the fuse box port at the RADIO fuse which is for circuit 141 (uses a brown/white wire when factory hard wired in), Feed, Ignition Switch, "Accessory & On" Controlled , or tap into the brown 12 gauge accessory power wire (circuit 4, Feed, Ignition Switch "Accessory & On" Controlled, Unfused) to run a new fused line to the head unit. This way, key at On or Accessory you'll have the back light. I can't figure out what green wire that you did tap into to power it.