Well your first mistake is working off of an energy drink or health water and not delicious alcohol.
In other news, I have been plugging away at my flipper truck. I popped out 2 freeze plugs and sh*t my pants for an extended period of time while expending zero effort since last October. I'd been thinking that I'd done way more damage than I had and I didn't want to own up to it. I was making a jumper harness to make a gasser GMT400 gas engine swap into a 6.5 diesel (turd) body and plugged the damned thing in not an hour after those plugs did ther thing. Thank Christ they did. Turns out the damage wasn't all that bad. A water pump and a QD fitting on the intake and I was set. At this point, I realized that my tstat was junk.
Given the choice, I choose what I want. If not, I default to what's there.