What did you do to your non-G Body project today [2024 edition]

So the S-10 did go in, and it is still in. The whole intake system on that motor is mostly plastic and at 21+ years of age, it is brittle and fragile and proved that without a doubt. A supposedly simple case of lifting the upper plenum and doing a snatch and drop on the injector "spider" became a whole lot more complicated when one of the old injector sleeves shattered and bits dropped down into the lower plenum intake ports. I had half anticipated that this might happen which was one of the reasons that I farmed the job out. So that got sorted out and the plenum re-assembled only to discover that the trigger module for the distributor and failed as well. By itself the module was around $250 and would need to be brought in; a whole new distributor was 350 and the same schedule, so I called it and had the new timer ordered. Over night delivery to the store but that was a work day for me so the delivery to the yard for the tech took longer than it would have had I been around to grab and deliver it myself. So that got sorted out and the timing and triggering all taken care of.................................now I hear that there is a sporadic fuel leak on the pressure in side. Thinking that when the fuel line was disconnected the O-ring in the coupling may have decided that it was time for it to commit suicide as well.

Thing here is that I am not particularly angry about all this. As a general observation, pretty much all of the mfgrs went to plastic to cut costs and in the process also cut part and assembly life span. I am somewhat surprised that the parts in question did last as long as they did but I am personally not a bully when it comes time to use my truck so it does not get beaten on and abused simply because it is a truck. That philosophy tends to result in longer working lives for many parts, which is something of a nuisance as well because when you finally try to get new parts, sorry bud, obsolete, hey, we can sell you a new truck, just sign here and we'll pick up your first born in the morning.................................

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So the S-10 did go in, and it is still in. The whole intake system on that motor is mostly plastic and at 21+ years of age, it is brittle and fragile and proved that without a doubt. A supposedly simple case of lifting the upper plenum and doing a snatch and drop on the injector "spider" became a whole lot more complicated when one of the old injector sleeves shattered and bits dropped down into the lower plenum intake ports. I had half anticipated that this might happen which was one of the reasons that I farmed the job out. So that got sorted out and the plenum re-assembled only to discover that the trigger module for the distributor and failed as well. By itself the module was around $250 and would need to be brought in; a whole new distributor was 350 and the same schedule, so I called it and had the new timer ordered. Over night delivery to the store but that was a work day for me so the delivery to the yard for the tech took longer than it would have had I been around to grab and deliver it myself. So that got sorted out and the timing and triggering all taken care of.................................now I hear that there is a sporadic fuel leak on the pressure in side. Thinking that when the fuel line was disconnected the O-ring in the coupling may have decided that it was time for it to commit suicide as well.

Thing here is that I am not particularly angry about all this. As a general observation, pretty much all of the mfgrs went to plastic to cut costs and in the process also cut part and assembly life span. I am somewhat surprised that the parts in question did last as long as they did but I am personally not a bully when it comes time to use my truck so it does not get beaten on and abused simply because it is a truck. That philosophy tends to result in longer working lives for many parts, which is something of a nuisance as well because when you finally try to get new parts, sorry bud, obsolete, hey, we can sell you a new truck, just sign here and we'll pick up your first born in the morning.................................

Plastic was also a way to save corporate money and weight for increasing fuel mileage. As long as it makes it past warranty period they were happy. Just had to do the intake on my sister’s truck for similar issues. 03’ Heavy 1/2ton ford w/130,000 miles.

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