What did you do to your shop today?

Attempted to do some organizing this weeked while do things for both Montes. Dug into the abyss that is the stack of containers full of paint cans & discover certain brands of primers don't have a good shelf life as new/unused cans. Never relized one could have as much black paint in different finishes. Surpised to find out I have 2 quarts of PPG semi-gloss interior paint for the '81 along with a pint each of low & semi-gloss lacquer & a spray can of SXA 1050. Ended up filling half of a 42 gallon bag with bad cans. Found more extra stuff from my stash to take care of a few needed things for Jr. Ended up making more of a mess than cleaning up things.
Since my infamous Bay One is temporarily empty again, I took the opportunity to put a ladder up against the bench and pay a visit to the third shelf. For the followers of my various excursions, that is mostly where duplicate or spare HD parts go/went when I built my work bench. The thinking was that moving them upstairs to a high shelf would leave the bench clear to work on; Uh-Uh, nebba happened. Nothing up there is junk or unuseable, just not being used right now. Amazing how the dust can accumulate. Did actually find the mounting plate that I was looking for and mated that to the bracket that I had scored the day before out at the dealer's OLD shop, so that moves yet another project an inch or two ahead. Additional parts are on the way or been found but no trigger pulled on their acquisition yet. Like most of my projects, this too is a zero budget exercise.

Also took the opportunity to uncover that slab of granite/marble that I picked up from a stair renovation at a local church. The plan for that is to score it using a chisel and hammer and see if I can split it cleanly into two segments. The bigger one is to be the basis for my headstone out at the boneyard once I get off at that final exit from the interstate that is life. Not exactly an upbeat topic but "Have you seen the price of tombstones these days?" 😀


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