The box is in and wired up and bolted down to the trunk floor and the seatback. I have ordered a new crossover because my old one was funky and the one I am using now is old and frankly it's junk. However when the crossover is not cutting out it sounds really good. The 6x9 Infinitys in the rear deck really pick up the mids and highs and the 2x10's hit really well ( on only about 20% power from the crossover ).
There are a couple of minor annoyances though. I get some crackle the odd time with the turn signals, the head unit is old and the CD skips over big bumps. I am looking at a new headunit with 3 pre-outs and Ipod controller ( hopefully for fathers day 🙂 if wifey is reading this ). I guess I will have to live with the interference with the spare tire; I figure once the amps are set ( and I get the new crossover with remote bass control ) there should be no reason to open up the face on the box anyways.
I weighed everything as well, total weight is 67 lbs ( thats box, amps, 2x10's and most of the cabling )
Yes ATLMonte88 those are some old-school PPI Amps. Freind who is heavy into car audio advised me to keep them because they are good quality and stable.
Sometime this summer I will start messing with some fibregalss resin and making my own kick panels and see how they turn out
The mess of wiring behind the panel. I have a new Lanzar vibex6 coming to replace this crossover
There are a couple of minor annoyances though. I get some crackle the odd time with the turn signals, the head unit is old and the CD skips over big bumps. I am looking at a new headunit with 3 pre-outs and Ipod controller ( hopefully for fathers day 🙂 if wifey is reading this ). I guess I will have to live with the interference with the spare tire; I figure once the amps are set ( and I get the new crossover with remote bass control ) there should be no reason to open up the face on the box anyways.
I weighed everything as well, total weight is 67 lbs ( thats box, amps, 2x10's and most of the cabling )
Yes ATLMonte88 those are some old-school PPI Amps. Freind who is heavy into car audio advised me to keep them because they are good quality and stable.
Sometime this summer I will start messing with some fibregalss resin and making my own kick panels and see how they turn out

The mess of wiring behind the panel. I have a new Lanzar vibex6 coming to replace this crossover