I think the 302 is a bad idea bc its a little off the beaten path and might take a long time to figure out mathematically and could cause you to have to visit endless auto parts vendors when one of these other engines is all just a set of matching sizes + you won't have to depend on any used parts / accessories most likely which would be bad bc you're planning to really get on this car hard at the track. The other options; when you go to buy your parts they'll be grouped together in 'kits' and you won't have to mismatch parts across several different vendors. I think its a really cool idea I actually want to see one of these 302 engines bc I have seen a lot of stuff around here but not that. I think it would be cool for a cruiser.
Anyway though, you know you're going to beat on the car so you don't want to use an engine like that has a wide variety of mis-matched parts bc this engine might actually blow up you never know dude... If somebody makes even the smallest mathemetical mistake on a car that's going to be ran hard at a track its a really big deal whereas if you had just used the car normally it wouldnt have shown a problem for thousands of miles. Why risk your investment when simplicity will protect the money you have already invested in this car. I'd rather be at the counter just buying a cheap rebuild kit w/ all matching pieces in a worst case scenario if it were me, and also you'll have the benefit of buying accessories over-the-counter instantly brand new or re-mfr instead of having to scrape by w/ junkyard parts and leave open the risk of having a problem at the track when you're really going hard on the car I'm sure that would be embarassing! In your worst case scenario if you screw up the car, you want an engine that's easy to tear down and put right back together again cheaply thats what Im trying to say.