Who drives their G body in the snow

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It's all about being able to drive.

I used to drive my 70 LeMans all year around with GT Qualifers on the back. Even rescued a few people, carried a shovel in the trunk.

Bugs were awesome too. Put a couple cinder blocks in the well behind the seat, fill the tank and go. Funny thing , get going 45mph in deep snow and the front would lift. You would be on plane on the belly pan. I could turn my wheels and it would have no effect. Parking brake and goose then throttle to turn. Used to honk as I passed stuck 4x4s.

I was out in the wagon today's snow , 5-speed with 4.11 posi is fun.
I like the look on the faces of oncoming traffic as I drift around a turn. :mrgreen:
we just got about 6 inches laying on the ground today. went up to lowes and got two 70 lbs bags of sand and 50 of rock salt just in case. goodyear viva 2 tires all the way around didnt do too bad with the weight in the rear, still almost got stuck in my friends sealed asphalt driveway which was unplowed :| but it went pretty good through the snow in reverse lol
I used to drive my old '79 Malibu wagon in the snow. It was the best... Man I miss that car...
Two 60 lb. bags of sand in the back and some used snow tires on the rear and I got though everything.
My springs were so shot you could hear the snow rubbing the floor boards... :lol:
Bonnewagon said:
Thank's Jack, me and Mr. Natch go back a long ways. When I was in Ft. Hamilton I used to frequent a little head shop up around 86 st that always had a cardboard box on the counter full of underground comix. I have a bunch of ZAP!, Freak Brothers, Last Gasp, Big *ss, all the goodies. I used to drive VW bugs and they were great in the snow but the salt just dissolved them. After I fixed the few rot spots, I undercoated the whole bottom of my wagon before I put it into service. Then in the Spring I wash the underside with soap.
I still have a few comics Uneeda Comix, Bijou, and an old Mr. Natural comic missing the front cover. They're in a desk drawer along side a photo of Jimi Hendrix at the Filmore East back in '68. That was a great show..
Yeah, the old bugs were made for the snow. They were alot of fun. It was a blast passing up everything on the road.
They were rust buckets, that's for sure.
The wagon I used to hose down the salt and crap underneath, and fender wells when it above freezing. I miss the fun...NOT!
I drive mine in the snow. But I have kick-@ss snow tires, limited slip, and lift bars (I'm not sure, but I think they help the tires bite in the snow too). Haven't needed to add weight to the trunk yet.

2 winters ago, had a blizzard. Was cruising with the GF and came to this road that was probably a 10-15 degree incline, and about 2' or fresh snow for about 4-5 block I think. Looked over to the GF and told her get ready to walk lol. But I plowed through it with no problem.

Only got stuck twice. Once bc some stupid driver forced me into a snow drift. The other was because one of my front brakes froze (was stopped and texting with my foot on the brake). It was -35 and I was in a parking lot that was pure smooth ice. Got unstuck really quick both times.

But this year is gonna be different. 400+HP and 2500stall in the snow... Might be needing some weight lol.
I love my Cutlass too much to daily drive the snow, but with a locked diff and some chunky tires I bet it'd do fine. In lake tahoe they only use sand, no salt so that's a little better. But I'll drive my town car passed 4X4s all day on mountain roads. Keep chains, sand bags and a shovel for emergencies.

One day there where 6 vehicles and a UPS truck stuck on my hill and I rolled right by.

I think it depends more on the driver than the car... Having a lot of American steel helps tho.


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I used to have a 1981 'Bu 4 door with a v-6 and that was pretty fun in the snow. We used to go to the local mall when it was closed and had a bunch of fun doiong donuts🙂 As for the Monte I have now, no way in Hell I'm driving her in the winter!!
^^ lol, Reminds back when I was in highschool, I had a 79 Cutlass for my winter rat, that car was a riot to drive. B-Body station wagon springs out back, completely shot front upper control arm bushings (imagine what that did for camber, and cornering abilities), Olds 350, and bald tires. My buddies and I used to bet gas money on snowy hill climbs :lol:, drove that car for free a lot, I don't know why, but it would go almost anyhwere I pointed it. We used to tie a little plastic sled to the trunk striker and go tearing through the snow covered neighborhood roads, friend on the sled, me drifting (we called it powerslide back then, lol) every corner, and fishtailing the straights. We'd find an open lot, I'd rip donuts and try to fling them off the sled with centrifical force, we had blast with that car :lol: . Looking back I can't believe we never got caught, and we're all still walking today, pretty dumb moves, but fun as hell, and at least we had sense enough to wear helmets while doing that :rofl: .
I like the fact that in the winter you can do a 4 wheel drift around a corner right in front of a cop car and they don't say anything..and u-turns whether intended or not are a blast.. :mrgreen:
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