Working on the wagon..

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Rocket Powered Basset Hound
Oct 14, 2008
Gainesville, Fl
I like subtle changes. Like for instance you go to a car show and are focused on a particular ride. You're staring at the vehicle and trying to figure out what's different about it. I would say narrowed bumpers are a subtle touch. It's a time consuming job, don't get me wrong, but to achieve a certain look, it's well worth it.
I've been wanting to do this for years, but just didn't have the guts. One day I decided, I'm going to go for it. I started with the rear. Measured 3.5" section in the center, removed the bumper, and got busy with the cut-off wheel.
I'm glad the fillers are gone. The would've needed to be replaced anyway.
It's a process of measuring, fitting, clamping, etc. My rear bumper had some rust coming thru, so I wasn't intimidated by it.
Here's a thread on ... 9&t=107311
It will give you some ideas.
I would personally recommend doing it with the body and sheet metal back in place. You'll be able to make a better judgement fitting everything. .
When you're ready to attempt it, let me know.. I'll be here to help with some details and moral support. :D


Rocket Powered Basset Hound
Oct 14, 2008
Gainesville, Fl
speedbob said:
I really like the direction you have taken for your wagon. Thumbs up for your ride!

Thanks Bob!
Things are at a standstill lately due to the weather. However, I'm eager to get back to work on it. I will post more pics as work progresses.


Comic Book Super Hero
Figured I would pop in and see how you were makin out Jack. I haven't got any real progress over the summer on mine, it stinks, but family and life got in the way, lol.

looking good as always!



Rocket Powered Basset Hound
Oct 14, 2008
Gainesville, Fl
Hi Jim,
Yeah, I know what you mean about other things taking precedence.. That's life. Lately it's been either too hot and sticky, or extremely rainy. Can't find a happy medium. Pretty soon I'm hoping for a break in the weather, then I'll attack it gangbusters.
Last thing I was working on was the floor. Patching up a number of holes. Perhaps if I had a good floor pan laying around, I would have probably dissected it and replaced sections. Oh well. It'll have to do for now.

Always good to hear from you, my friend. Hope you're able to get back to work on yours soon.


Rocket Powered Basset Hound
Oct 14, 2008
Gainesville, Fl
Here's a few pics of what I've up to lately. I painted the backsides of the doors and tailgate. Worked on the fenders and gave them a coat or two of paint. Also the hinges, as you'll see. I'll paint the jambs and complete body soon...and start assembling.
I can't wait to start putting this thing back together.





Comic Book Super Hero
Looking good. I would wait till the door hinge paint is fully cured, then buy the spring tool, before putting the springs on. I managed to get mine on without messing up the paint.

Yeah, I'll get to mine in the cold, lol. while I am talking skip!


Rocket Powered Basset Hound
Oct 14, 2008
Gainesville, Fl
Thanks Jim.
I have the spring tool, but I got a little lazy and left the springs on. I did have intentions of taking the springs out and painting the hinges properly.
I suppose I still could once the paint is cured.


Rocket Powered Basset Hound
Oct 14, 2008
Gainesville, Fl
Thanks Paul,
Yes, I have double the hinges to contend with...and two extra doors... :? I'd love to see the end of the tunnel already. But I have to be patient.
The paint looks okay in the pics, but it is a bit orange peeled and a few drips and a sag. Nothing a little wet sanding and buffing shouldn't take care of. It scares me a little when it comes time to paint the roof, quarters, 4-drs.,hood and tailgate.
I may look into a better spray gun.

Thanks for sharing the pic of your Elky after the crash. I'm sure it's an event you'd like to forget.
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