Your car *WILL* get stolen!

whoever stole my car knew what they were doing. they went through some work to steal it too.[/quote]
do you think they read "how to steal my car" By "Gbody forum".
I'd be surprised. but defiantly intrigued. sorry to hear you'yr car got stolen.
I can't stand that sh*t.
BlackBetty said:
Sometimes fear and a rep for being not one who is easily fu**ed with is a great defense.

My late father-in-law used both. Lots of guns, lots of attitude, and lots of black-powder pipe bomb tests in the backyard worked wonders. Although he did catch a couple guys trying to steal gas from his above-ground gas tank once. In broad daylight. They were greeted by his friend, Mister .357, who was more than happy to escort them off the property. They never did try again.

My wife's car got broken into once. Well, not really broken into. We kinda forgot to lock the driver's rear door. It only locked manually, it wouldn't lock with the power locks. No big loss. The thief left 4 dollars in change, numerous CDs, and a digital camera behind, but took the cheapo MP3 player that was broken. Joke's on him, I guess.

My truck is always locked with the windows rolled up, even if I'm just going into the gas station for 30 seconds. Not that my truck is worth stealing. But considering the people in my town, better safe than sorry. If anyone wants to get into my truck, it ain't hard. The sliding window latch has been broken for a year. But so far, only my kids have used the sliding window to get into my truck. The most expensive thing anyone can steal from my truck is probably the CV axle nut socket laying in the driver's door pocket. That or the 6 Metallica CDs in the visor CD holder.
I had an 82 Cutlass get stolen from out front of my house. It was my first car. I was in the basement when I heard the faint sound of Flowmaster. Grabbed my gun and ran upstairs but they were already gone. The car was found a week later in an alley all chopped up. The whole entire interior was completely gone. Doors, hood, trunk, bumpers, grills, pretty much everything.

Ever since then I started using a club (lol), but then I got a little crafty. I would just pull the ignition plug out of the distributer at night, and installed a couple locking hood pins. Even if they do realize why the car wont start then they will have one hell of a time ripping that hood open. Also a noisy gear drive helps. :mrgreen:
I have another story :mrgreen: ......

Someone stole the radio out of the '81 Malibu wagon I had several years ago and I told my boss at the time about it (since it made me late for work that day).

He told me that someone kept stealing his radio years ago and this was his solution.....super-glued razor blades to the bottom of the radio. He said one day he came out to the car and found the window broken, radio half ripped out, with blood all over the place :lol:
joevk78 said:
lots of black-powder pipe bomb tests in the backyard

Where in the hell do you live? :rofl:
I can't even find a remotely close place to go shooting outdoors!
Ohio. My father-in-law lived in a small town in the middle of nowhere back then. His backyard was outside city (I use the term loosely) limits, and in County Sheriff jurisdiction, so he did whatever he wanted there. A couple Sheriff Deputies used his backyard as a shooting range. The cops in the town in live in are lazy. The only time they care is when the call involves Mexicans. And that's not meant to be racial in any way. It's the truth. If you call to say your neighbors are arguing loudly, they'll be "as soon as they can". If you happen to mention that your neighbors are Mexicans, they're a block away. If they're drunken Mexicans in a fist fight, they knew you were going to call and were already on the way.
I have a Garage, a high capacity gun a ,mean daddy's girl Rottweiler.
Experience with an Ex wife and her Sick mother.
Because Of my disability I only sleep about four hours a night, You guess which four.
So just come and Try.
( I also have spare glass ,upholstery, and replace anything with your DNA on it)
So just come and get it Dick Head. I welcome the challenge. :wink: :rofl:
If you lived in my town, the cops would say it was a justified self-defense shooting and tell you to have a good night, they'll get rid of the body for you. We were having problems with a trouble making kid from down the street, and the cop that came told us "Whatever happens...he fell and bumped his head. If one of us asks, he fell and bumped his head." My wife started to ask a "what if" question and he interrupted with "He fell and bumped his head. That's it. If he's lying in your bushes out front with his head turned backwards, he fell and bumped his head." :rofl:
tc1959 said:
I have a Garage, a high capacity gun a ,mean daddy's girl Rottweiler.
Experience with an Ex wife and her Sick mother.
Because Of my disability I only sleep about four hours a night, You guess which four.
So just come and Try.
( I also have spare glass ,upholstery, and replace anything with your DNA on it)
So just come and get it Dick Head. I welcome the challenge. :wink: :rofl:

You forgot the wood chipper!
This is a great thread. i was a victim of car theft. They stole my 1980 Malibu a week after i put a freshly rebuilt 350 in it. I woke up in the morning headed to work to find a piece of my column housing on the ground. Luckily for my they only stole my tool box i left in the trunk (lakers were playing and i forgot about it 😢 ) and watever other little goodies were in there and less than a week later i got a call from the police that they recovered my car less than 6 Blocks From my house. I guess i was asking for it though, parking on the street overnight living in Watts, CA at the time. I used to take the battery out and hit the kill switch and put the column lock on but that night i said wat the heck it will be ok for one night and those bastards caught me slippin.

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