Your first true love!!!!!

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Aug 29, 2009
Porterville, California
Back in the 1990's my dad had a 1986 cutlass brougham all super clean with a stock moon roof. I was like 8 at the time and I loved that car, i beg and i beg him not to sell that car and i reamember one day i came back from school and asked my mom :wtf: "wheres the cutty at?" and i remember her tryna explane to me that my dad had sold it and not to worry that we could get another one eventually, but i didnt want another one i wanted the cutty we had. :rant:

Well i thought that would be the last i seen of that car, but to my surprise just 1 month before i entered High School, now bout 15 years of age, we ran into the new owner of the car. My dad asked him if he still had the car and he replied "yes i do" as soon as i heard that i was like "hey you intersted in selling me my car back" and hes like "ya" . So we make arrangements with how soon i could come up with the money and i told him give me 3 weeks and we made the deal. :friday:

Seems like the happy & perfect ending to the story Right? :D

Wrong :rant:

2 Weeks later i come up with the money, am all happy and excited cuz am like i cant belive i got the money and am about to be reunited with the car that stared it all, the car that made me love the gbodies. Well 30 minutes later me and my dad get to the guys house and look around to see where the ride is at. :?:

Turns out the Muth* Fu**r got all tweakd out and got chased by the cops, he ran it through some orange groves, hit a few hard branches mess up the front end, some how crackd the transmission and got away from the pigs, then he takes it to another city like 5 hrs away. :evil:

Man was i pissed. i even tryed to see if i could contact the new new owner and see if we wanted to sell if to me but by the time i got ahold of him the car had already been stolen and turnd into a crushed up burnt POS :cry:

I'll always remember that one first love. That when u went out for a cruise made u feel 100x more special than any woman could. :oops:

Has anyone had a interesting expiriance like i did?


G-Body Guru
Apr 12, 2009
thats pretty wild,shame about the car,i'd be depressed,being all hyped up to get my first gbody back,my first car was an 86 cutlass supreme,burgundy paint and i was just as obsesed with it.Well after a while it was sold,$200 same amount as i payed for it,it was in horrible condition and people hated it but i loved it like it was my girlfriend!After about 2 years or something i got another cutlass,my 86 cutlass salon and the weird thing is,it looks exactly like the cutlass supreme,thats basically why i bought it,i love the burgundy paint scheme.Just recently,i broke up with this girl,i fell in love with her just like the cutlass supreme,a very special relationship so you would say,i thought it was going to last,but it didnt,we broke up,just like how the cutlass was sold.Now since i got the cutlass salon,i had a feeling i would have this car for the rest of my life,no one else will ever have this car.Also i just got into this relationship recently,and just like the cutlass salon,i have a good feeling about her,maybe it'll last just like the cutlass salon!


Feb 10, 2009
DORTMUND , Germany
First car

I own my Cutlass for about 2 Years now , but my other car , a 1969 VW , i have for 15 years now... Never will give it away ! It is my 2nd bug , my first was crashed after i had it for 2 years :-(.
My 1979 Mini Cooper i have for 8 years now , will not be given away , too.
As my 1976 Vespa scooter , have it for 20 years now...
Ok , i think i have too much different stuff in my garage , but who cares !!!!

That is my bug :

His birthday is on 9/9/2009 , next week :) !

Greets , Carsten


Master Mechanic
Aug 27, 2009
Omaha, NE
Well it all started one morning I came into work like usual at my dad's shop... I walked in back to talk to dad and there she was... A beautiful white '80 Cutlass Supreme, she was in for an oil change and a few other things... Now I've seen this car many times before but for some reason she really stood out on this day. Well I started talking to dad and telling him how cool it would be to have that Cutlass... He kind of laughs and says that the little old lady who owns it won't ever get rid of her baby... Well lets fast forward to Christmas morning about 4 years ago...

Like every Christmas I was sitting on the floor passin' out presents to everybody... Well there was one package my mom told I couldn't open just yet... So I open everything else except for that little box...

Mom and dad get done opening their presents and dad says he'll be right back... Said he had to run up to the neighbors real quick (I thought that was odd...).. Well while dad is gone mom tells me to come outside and bring that little box. I'm thinkin' okay...but it's really cold!!! Well anyways I get outside and she tells me to face the house and close my eyes.. Now I'm wonderin' what the deal is. Eventually I hear something odd... The sound of gravel under a tire... Mom tells me to open the package but not to turn around yet.. I open up the little box to find a set of keys...and a title... For a 1980 Cutlass Supreme!!!! I turn around and there she is.... The most beautiful car I have ever seen. White, maroon interior, and a white top, and loads of glistening chrome. My dad gets out throws me the extra set of keys and tells me Merry Christmas. At this point my head is goin' crazy, I've all ready opened the hood trunk and the doors, played with the power locks, windows, and seats... Flipped the heat and air switches back and forth, turned the wheel, honked the horn, flashed the lights, looked in the glovebox, and the ashtray, played with the clock, and the radio... Hell I even checked out the back seat... Well after I was done playing mom tells me it's time to go to Grandma's for Christmas breakfast... I get cleaned up and am waiting for everybody else to get ready... Dad comes out and looks at me and says "Why aren't ya gone?" I some how was so excited I forgot cars could take you places... He said him and mom would meet me there. So I run outside, fire the ol' girl up and carefully go down our not so lovely gravel road...doin' like 5 miles an hour... Then I get out on the highway and open her up.... I'll tell ya somethin' that little 260 can go... I take the long way to Grandma's and when I pull in everybody is standin' outside... I park it and get out, the whole family is checkin' her out... My uncle Rick looks at me and goes so hows it feel to know that we've all known about this car for 2 months?......

Turns out mom and dad bought it 2 months ago, and when it was in the shop getting worked on it was actually mine. They stored it at the body shop, and at a friends house, and at the neighbors to hide it from me. And somehow everybody kept a secret....

When I got her she had 65,000 shes got 67,000.... I've racked up some serious drivin'... But that's gonna change.


Royal Smart Person
Mar 20, 2008
wow! Thats a cool story 8)

I remember I was at work when my parents brought my cutlass home. They only drove it 4 houses down the road to get it there, but I'll always remember pulling in the driveway and seeing it there, it was one of the greatest feelings ever!! I can actually remember sitting in it and starting it up for the first time, and the last time too (with the v6 8)) Woldn't have any other car than my Olds :D


Nov 1, 2009
billings, montana
i remember going outside when i was a little terror, climbing into my dads 64 nova ss 283, 4speed, posi, bucket seats, in dash tack. he would take me out on the weekends when mom would let him and we would go straight to the cruise point. go race people(seems like we always won) and just get crazy... i always remember my dad saying, one day this will be your car. well, he gave it to my brother when he graduated from highschool in 87, and my sister got a 69 nova ss when she graduated in 90. you know what i got?????? an tudor 80 malibu classic with the most awesome balck interior i had ever seen, ever. although it was a 265?7? puny little gutless v8, it was mine and i loved that car.
this may be too much information for some people, but here goes...
:? i lost my virginity in that car, got in my first race in that car(had a 355 by then because i dont know what happened ,the 26whatever just started knocking :roll: thats what i told dad( the engine builder by trade)...
got in my first accident in that car. went on my first roadtrip in that car. and used the car as a get away car after i committed my armed robbery in 94...
then they sold it and away it went. i looked for another tudor for 16 years, but could never find one worth buying, that was basically free that is(im cheap too).
i tried many different cars, trying to get one i was comfortable in, mustangs, novas,camaros, pre78cutlass and inpala tudors... nothing like the feel of a good tudor g-body.
i vowed to my wife i will keep this one forever, and you know what? i think i will. :)


Royal Smart Person
Nov 14, 2008
My 79 Pontiac Grand Prix that i bought from my pop's gave me long lasting memories... I wish i didn't sell it off :( My current 85 is just as nice though 8)


Comic Book Super Hero
Jul 17, 2007
Back in the late 70's a good family freind drove a 1970 Chevelle ( white with rally stripes and Stickers from the local dragstrip on it, fat wheels on the back, slapper bars, the works !! ). But his wife drove a brown 1969 Beaumont ( with the dark green interior ). The white car became a victim of hard driving and the rust belt here in Ontario; but the Beaumont is still around and looking as good as new. Frankly I have been in love with Beaumonts ( and his wife who was the spitting image of Daisy Duke but with dark hair ) ever since that day.

I can remember being 7 or 8 and she would give me the keys to her car so I could listen to the radio, clean out her car and keep all the change I could find. To this day 30 years later I can still remember sitting in that car and the smell of her perfume was heaven ( I remeber her nice knockers and hot *ss as well !! LOL )

Both her and the car are much older now but those memories are forever burned into my brain. Last I heard the Beaumont needed more work than it was worth and it ended up with a neighbor who restored it. I seen it in pics and it looks exactly the same. The hot wife is an..... ummm..... "older" woman now but I dunno if I would want to see her in short-shorts anymore :puke: but I sure would take the car for a spin.
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