1980 Pontiac LeMans Station Wagon - G-T-faux (stuck with it, and can't shake it... like a bad case of herpes)

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Any updates on your wagon Mike?

Yes! We have another person to put in it when it is finally completed; on 26 Feb Natasha and I had our second girl.

Other than that it is has been pretty quiet in the garage other than the constant influx of parts being dropped off waiting to be installed. I am hoping to be able to start grabbing an hour here and there during naptime on the weekends, and after the toddler is in bed on weeknights.
congrats on the new little one !! I find babies are so cute and so much fun now. When they make noise or start to smell I get to hand them off to Mommy or Daddy and go home 🙂
Congrats, Mike! Now you need at least two car projects, one for each new driver.

I am particularly looking forward to when our four-year-old has kids. He's going to PAY for all the fun times he's bringing us lately.
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Thanks guys!

Now you need at least two car projects, one for each new driver.

Funny you say that... I am working on what could be a really interesting trade for my Buick 😉

And yes, payback is a b*tch. Rest assured my Mom is laughing her *ss off right now. 😀
Congrats on the latest addition to your family Mike. Let us know the progress on the wagon when you get an opportunity.


Well since everybody was out of the house I snuck outside and started to do a little confirmatory mockup with the S60 rearend and Hellwig swaybar. My first concern was if the supplied u-bolts would fit over the 3" axle tubes - check! Next was how would the bar work with the significantly larger pumpkin - sort of does... As you can see in the pictures it is absolutely fine when level and when drooping - but quickly becomes and issue under compression. The quick fix seems to be to rotate the axle tube mounts to the rear which opens up a lot of room for compression travel. The other option will be to make some spacers/shims to lower the axle tube mounts (Spohn does this for S60 equipped 4th Gen F-bodies). Chances are it will be a combination of both. That and a piece of heater hose on the swaybar for when it does contact... LOL!


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Spent it while you had it! Excellent plan!


This also confirms that if you are running this type of swaybar with an S60, skipping the optional cast aluminum cover may be prudent because it is much bulkier. Looks like I guessed right. 😉
Actual progress! I am trying to make the wagon a roller again... hopefully before it has been here for two full years!

The spindles have been modified, stress relieved and deburred, rust converted, and polished... justawaitin' on paint. Yes, I know I started on these at the beginning of January.


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Progress is progress! Glad to see you are getting something done on it.
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