Hutch, they were ripping you a new one on ROP about the wheel construction. Have you had them checked for runout? You should pop in over there, and set'em straight.

I see what you did there. 🙂
Jealousy runs rampant at ROP it seems and everyone seems to know SO much more than anyone else, ever, and probably most weinering about it has never attempted to assemble a wheel in their lifetime. ROP has never been much of a supportive entity for anyone doing anything different. If you don't fall into their groupthink, they'll gang up on you. Not to say there isn't some good individuals on ROP, but there were/are several that are complete asshats even when they don't need to be which can totally ruin an otherwise normal experience. I totally get disagreements, but there's something seriously wrong with a few of them. They'd hate on their own mother.