Heater/AC Box Disassemble: PART 2
With the Upper Case off you can remove the Evaporator and Heater Core:
Remove the 10mm screw that holds the Accumulator to the "AC Compressor Control Relay" bracket
Pull the Evaporator
Remove the 5/16 screw that holds the Heater Core Hold Down + Ground Strap
Remove the Ground Strap with screw, remove the Hold Down clip, and remove the Heater Core
With the contents of the box removed I remove the AC Box Front Plate (This portion of the box is inside the firewall when on the car.
Remove the (5) 1/4 screws that hold the case (4 hold the case and 1 holds one side of the Air Baffle)
2 by the Vac Actuator
2 on the opposite side of the case
1 inside where the valve door is located that holds the Air Baffle. With that one screw removed you can rotate the baffle slightly which aids in getting the Front Plate off
The shaft for the AC/Heat door valve pokes through the bottom case. Make sure to not damage it on removal
Remove the Front Plate from main box