Here's a thought exercise for OP. If you were to spend every hour that you used asking questions and blackholing hypotheticals working a part time job, would you have made enough to purchase a better daily driver? My math says yes.
The same fact remains from when you started posting over a year ago. You can't afford this car. That's not a personal dig against you, it's just the reality of your current situation. Get this POS running and sell it. Maybe in a few years when your circumstances have improved, you can buy another project. It's currently a liability, not an asset.
The same fact remains from when you started posting over a year ago. You can't afford this car. That's not a personal dig against you, it's just the reality of your current situation. Get this POS running and sell it. Maybe in a few years when your circumstances have improved, you can buy another project. It's currently a liability, not an asset.