A Call to Action

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Sep 1, 2006
Tampa Bay Area
Are there any reasonable groups out there who are willing to march against the socialist agenda of the current regime? I am curious if any marches on Washington to oppose cap and trade, the fairness doctrine, gun restrictions, etc. are being planned and how to join them. As I have said before, I favor peaceful protests as a way to achieve the goal of preserving liberty and limited government as opposed to the more violent means advocated by some. If someone can get a conservative million man march organized, I will go.

P.S.: Watch out for the coming assault weapons ban that is being proposed this week.


G-Body Guru
Oct 24, 2007
Lakeland, FL
I would definitely oppose a ban on assault weapons because those gun bans only hurt law abiding citizens.

Criminals do not register their weapons or buy registered weapons. When was the last time you heard about the cops running someone down and arresting them for a gun crime based on their gun registration? Probably never...

You let them start taking and they will KEEP taking. This is about control and power, not guns.

85 Cutlass, the best peaceful protest I can participate in is the latest "blast fax" type thing that is going on. Of course I hammer our senators and congressman with e-mails and phone calls, too. I even hit the rat Charlie Crist, but he doesn't even respond anymore. Everyone else at least pretends that they are listening.

If you go to reaganaction.com or Newsmax and hunt around, you'll see what I'm talking about. I donate 25 bucks or so and they jam up the senators and congressmans (sometimes the White House) office fax lines with nasty messages from us conservative hate mongers. Even if they don't listen, it must annoy them so I do it!

You could go to the CPAC convention; that drives liberals nuts. Their attendance will be up 40% this year over the last attendance. Really, all you can do is stay up to date with Human Events and Newsmax, and then get your activist links from there. Places like the American Conservative Union, Americans for Tax Reform, Americans for Prosperity, Constitution Party, etc.

We're at a grass roots moment for conservatives so I am watching them all and seeing which shakes out to be the leader of the movement that gathers the momentum. CPAC usually will give you a good indication. I'll be watching Mitt Romney long distance for that one, and I'll probably throw in with him.

Let me know if you find out anything new!
Sep 1, 2006
Tampa Bay Area
axisg said:
would you oppose a ban on assault weapons ??

I most certainly would. I have the same view on guns as the founders did. Guns in the hands of private citizens are the ultimate guarantee against tyranny. The Government should live in fear of the people, not the other way around. I chose not to own a gun, but I want the option left open to me should I ever change my mind. So, for me it is not that I wish to start a revolution, but I want the possibility to always exist in the backs of the minds of lawmakers. Misuse the public trust, and they will meet their ends with the bullets of the citizens. So long as they do not trample on our liberties, they should have nothing to fear now, should they?


Comic Book Super Hero
Jul 17, 2007
85 Cutlass Brougham said:
axisg said:
would you oppose a ban on assault weapons ??

I most certainly would. I have the same view on guns as the founders did. Guns in the hands of private citizens are the ultimate guarantee against tyranny. The Government should live in fear of the people, not the other way around. I chose not to own a gun, but I want the option left open to me should I ever change my mind. So, for me it is not that I wish to start a revolution, but I want the possibility to always exist in the backs of the minds of lawmakers. Misuse the public trust, and they will meet their ends with the bullets of the citizens. So long as they do not trample on our liberties, they should have nothing to fear now, should they?

For the love of Pete. I know this is an age old argument but what the hell do you need an assault rifle for ?? Hunting ?? I am not opposed to owning a rifle for hunting or property protection purpose but I see no reason to own a handgun or an assault rifle.

And in reference to the other poster, you do realize that the guns used in crime are stolen from somewhere don't you ?? Those would be registered owners that are having their guns stolen ( like assault rifles ) and putting them in the hands of crooks.


Royal Smart Person
Oct 14, 2006
Here is your call to action:

They will start with a ban on assault weapons then it will only lead to handguns, then all guns! Holder and gang want you disarmed! If there's a collapse and angry mobs want to steal and loot from our house.. my shotgun can only fire off 6 rounds whereas an m16 could take care of things real quick.


G-Body Guru
Aug 4, 2005
St Charles Missouri
axisg said:
but I see no reason to own a handgun

Hard to conceal carry a .30-06
Sep 1, 2006
Tampa Bay Area
axisg said:
85 Cutlass Brougham said:
axisg said:
would you oppose a ban on assault weapons ??

I most certainly would. I have the same view on guns as the founders did. Guns in the hands of private citizens are the ultimate guarantee against tyranny. The Government should live in fear of the people, not the other way around. I chose not to own a gun, but I want the option left open to me should I ever change my mind. So, for me it is not that I wish to start a revolution, but I want the possibility to always exist in the backs of the minds of lawmakers. Misuse the public trust, and they will meet their ends with the bullets of the citizens. So long as they do not trample on our liberties, they should have nothing to fear now, should they?

For the love of Pete. I know this is an age old argument but what the hell do you need an assault rifle for ?? Hunting ?? I am not opposed to owning a rifle for hunting or property protection purpose but I see no reason to own a handgun or an assault rifle.

And in reference to the other poster, you do realize that the guns used in crime are stolen from somewhere don't you ?? Those would be registered owners that are having their guns stolen ( like assault rifles ) and putting them in the hands of crooks.

Go back and re-read my whole post. My reasons are perfectly clear there. I have no desire to go hunting. I want military grade hardware available to the average man to keep the government somewhat intimidated and for an ultimate check and balance. I just don't think the average person is allowed enough freedom now in their choice of weapons, and would prefer it if we were allowed the ownership of RPG's and full machine guns as well. I should be allowed to own a 50 cal and have it mounted in the bed of a pickup truck if I so choose.


Royal Smart Person
Oct 14, 2006
85 Cutlass Brougham said:
axisg said:
85 Cutlass Brougham said:
axisg said:
would you oppose a ban on assault weapons ??

I most certainly would. I have the same view on guns as the founders did. Guns in the hands of private citizens are the ultimate guarantee against tyranny. The Government should live in fear of the people, not the other way around. I chose not to own a gun, but I want the option left open to me should I ever change my mind. So, for me it is not that I wish to start a revolution, but I want the possibility to always exist in the backs of the minds of lawmakers. Misuse the public trust, and they will meet their ends with the bullets of the citizens. So long as they do not trample on our liberties, they should have nothing to fear now, should they?

For the love of Pete. I know this is an age old argument but what the hell do you need an assault rifle for ?? Hunting ?? I am not opposed to owning a rifle for hunting or property protection purpose but I see no reason to own a handgun or an assault rifle.

And in reference to the other poster, you do realize that the guns used in crime are stolen from somewhere don't you ?? Those would be registered owners that are having their guns stolen ( like assault rifles ) and putting them in the hands of crooks.

Go back and re-read my whole post. My reasons are perfectly clear there. I have no desire to go hunting. I want military grade hardware available to the average man to keep the government somewhat intimidated and for an ultimate check and balance. I just don't think the average person is allowed enough freedom now in their choice of weapons, and would prefer it if we were allowed the ownership of RPG's and full machine guns as well. I should be allowed to own a 50 cal and have it mounted in the bed of a pickup truck if I so choose.

Sir... I think you may be Al Quieda... were gonna have to come arrest you now...


G-Body Guru
Aug 4, 2005
St Charles Missouri
Barrett .50 .... hunt deer over a mile away .... also makes emm easier to carry when sliced in half.
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