Anyone Else Tired of Winter

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Mar 31, 2006
Kitchener, Ontario
We worked on the race car during the weekend cleaning it up for a show this weekend. We have the drivers meeting at the track we race at next Monday. The have an article on the track website about the truck division and the pictures they post with the article just makes this winter even longer and worse than it actually is.....but I'm tired of this winter and it's got to go...

Definitely!! I'm ready to start slappin parts on and get an exhaust on mine so i can break in the new motor. :mrgreen:
I'd prefer if winter only lasted from early November to just a week past New Years. After that I'd be fine with spring!

I work on my car in a barn with no insulation, 4 other cars with one car I that I have to pull out anytime I want to work on anything. Of course it becomes a big pain in the butt when you've got 4-6" of snow on the ground. :evil:

It also doesn't help that all of my air tools are rendered useless in weather below freezing. I have a monster compressor but at this time of the year it's about useless.

Of course when all of this snow melts it creates another problem. I end up having to tromp through mud to get to the barn. I really need to build another barn!!!
Yeah same here in holland...!
one of the worst winters in almost 30 years..
and all the salt they put on the street is sh..t for your car to.. :evil:
so that meens mine has,nt been driven sinds november.. 🙁
so i disided to do some chores on the car ...
nice and warm in mine garage.. :mrgreen:
I actually don't mind winter as long as there is snow. I love driving in it, except when there is other people on the road. Today I had a Uhaul going sideways :lol: It sucks that I don't get to work on the car as much, but I find other fun things to do in the snow.
i kinda like winter, but only because i got new high performance all season tires. the first snow here in chicagoland is fun because everyone forgets how to drive in snow and ends up high centered on the medians or getting stuck in a snow drift, cuz there stoopid. i also like how when im driving in about 3 inches of snow im passing suv's and hummers. but those people are the kinds to come to a complete stop before going over the metal plates during construstion. dumbasses... :rofl:
Winter is great. The honey-do list comes to a screeching halt. Nothing to do but start working on all the beers I got for Christmas. How did they know?
when you guys have had over 2 ft of snow on the ground at all times since the middle of december come talk to me. do i dare mention the -30 windchill days last week i spent all day in? accomplishing anything with my car is next to impossible. its been stuck in the middle of a snow drift for about a month now with a frozen battery. NOT IMPRESSED WITH THIS WEATHER AT ALL!
I'm ready for spring!

It hasn't gotten above 15* since the big snow storm we had on X-mas, and -20* on friday kinda sucked...

But today hit 24* and it's supposed to maybe hit 30* the next couple days! :banana:

Hopefully the city will seize this oppotunity to get the rest of the sh*t that was frozen to the roads cleared off... It's been too cold for the salt to work!

If I had a heated garage with some space, at least I'd be able to keep myself occupied...
Blake442 said:
I'm ready for spring!

It hasn't gotten above 15* since the big snow storm we had on X-mas, and -20* on friday kinda sucked...

But today hit 24* and it's supposed to maybe hit 30* the next couple days! :banana:

Hopefully the city will seize this oppotunity to get the rest of the sh*t that was frozen to the roads cleared off... It's been too cold for the salt to work!

If I had a heated garage with some space, at least I'd be able to keep myself occupied...
tell me about it man. atleast your fairly close to where i am. like i said i was out in that sh*t all day in the blowing snow on roofs n sh*t for 10 hours. not cool! we've had so much snow down here there isnt anywhere to put it. they're starting to run out of places to haul it to around town. i keep hearing about another storm coming that was worse then the christmas one. i sure hope not. man i'm tired of snow
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