Hey Guys! Figured I'd bring this chat back to life a bit. This time Related more to the T56 I installed in the car, the manual gear for speedometer,
-where to get a new speed cable that will work with the factory gauge.
- where I should get a new Tach because mine still outputs 3x the RPM's the engine is actually spinning and it has a clean wiring from the HEI distributor to the gauge cluster.
- Rebuild or replace factory Oil gauge? When I hooked up a new pressure sending unit to the factory wire it spikes past 60 and stays put. Yes a sending unit, single wire, not a switch.
EVERYTHING ELSE WORKS! Thank you all an immense amount for the time and effort you've put in to helping me get the car together. I have so many chats going on here and threads I don't even know where to post pictures but so far so good and you'd probably enjoy some of the progress. Some of you could even help me further with helpful hints and tips. Thanks again.