So I'll just come out and say it. Ask a chemist and they'll tell you that the plastic tubing won't 'break down' and give out for 100 years, short of laying out in the sunlight for a longggggggg time or laying against the exhaust. It is also verrrrrrry rub resistent.
That being said, I prefer copper tubing.
That being said, copper tubing doesn't install itself correctly. At 1/8" diameter, the walls are very thin. It will kink and break too if carelessly installed. 999 out of 1000 issues are operator error, and the other 1 is probably a mouse.
Doug, even with copper tubing, make sure that you use a correctly sized grommet at the firewall (or a piece of vacuum hose). Make as large of diameter bends/curves as possible everywhere. Tubing clamps are a good safe idea to mount the tubing to support areas. And don't be afraid to use a 90 degree compression fitting to help fitment instead of a overly-tight bend. You named this thread 'bad luck'. Quit relying on 'good luck', use common sense, and make sure that you are comfortable with the job before you start the car after install. If it don't feel right, it probably ain't right.