I hope I'm not going off on a tangent, but here goes...
I pulled a new set of sensa tracs off the shelf to compare to a new set of KYB's (both for front of a gbody.) The sensa trac could be easily compressed against the floor with one hand, whereas the KYB took both hands and just about my full body weight (don't try this at home, it slipped once lol.) I remembered being told once that monroe's are like that so they are easier to install, and that they firm up once they've bounced a couple times down the road. So I pulled the sensa tracs off my car, which had probably around 2000kms on them, and they compressed just as easy. They went in the garbage, and the KYB's went in. Car rides so much nicer now.
Also, this wasn't just a faulty pair of shocks. I've now tried at least 4 pairs of monroes in the same part number, and they all have very little resistance when compared to the KYB. Also, the KYB returns to full height way faster than the monroe, less than 2 seconds from compressed to extended with the KYB, and anywhere from 6 to over 10 seconds on the monroes I tested.