techg8 said:I tried to put together a starter from the cores I had in the basement and only succeeded at stabbing myself in the hand with a screwdriver.......
So I went to the parts store and bought a reman starter for like $40, as I should have to begin with.
I found the original V6 power steering setup and installed it. (incidentally I also found the original V6 frame pads...DOH I guess I didnt "need" to weld the 350 frame pads on there!)
I kept the 307 radiator hoses, though I had to "sleeve" the water pump side of the lower hose. The 307 fan shroud works real well but I had to put a 1.5" spacer on the fan to tuck it in.
Non ac Buick alternator bracket with the original V6 alternator (the 307 unit had the post in a bad location for passenger side mount)
Anyhow, the real update is that I started the car today just real quick to see if it would fire. Started right up, and no codes immediately.
I am pleased that the distributor is functioning.
I did have to get creative with the steel fuel pump to carb line - trimmed and shaped most of it then went to a rubber section behind the distributor that goes to the carb.
I still need to fab up the 2.5" Y pipe and stick an O2sensor on there somewhere.
Then I can tune it.
I'll grab some pics soon.
Remember that I did this complete swap before. As for teh starter get a mini starter they work much better and if you run anything but stock exhaust it frees space. Many pics of that install look all to familiar 🙂