Build Thread-85 Cutlass Brougham-New Pics Added!

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Uncletruck said:
Yow, I'm surprised at the cost of the materials! I had my LeMans painted professionally (friends with a body shop owner) 3 years ago, and the cost of the paint for 3 coats of base and 4 of clear was $400.00, total cost with labor $1300.00. I guess the plus was that no bodywork was needed. I helped spray some of the car, but on areas where I got nervous I had him take over. I'd like to try fully painting a car some day, but that will not likely be until I retire when I can pick a car I want to go all out on. It's been kind of sad that I've been so cost prohibited lately I can't even afford to get the things I need to get my Olds 350 in to the LeMans, just still puttering away with the 231. (Actually more reliable than some of my co-workers cars LOL!) I just remember the good old days when I could spend all I wanted to on my cars 😀 The Brougham is looking good there!


Well, you have to remember that there is a huge difference in price for paint depending on the system used. I could have spent around $400-500 on materials for a base-clear system, but it would have been a lesser quality paint. I used Omni to paint it a few years ago and it peeled after 3 years, so it was a false economy. I used Diamont base/clear, which is a pricey top of the line system that is used on show cars. Yes, I spent around $780 on just paint and clear but that includes 3 colors ( blue, and a pint of black and half pint of silver). I also completely primed and blocked the car twice in 2K primer, or about 2 gallons of sprayed material. I just don't want to be doing this all over again in another few years. Hopefully, if the new Tropical Storm stays away on Monday, I will have it sprayed then and be able to put the windows and weatherstripping in it before the winds start to blow. I have no garage space for it right now as another project is sitting in there and it does not run or move. If it gets ruined by the storm, I guess I will give up and go buy a new Honda Fit instead.
85 Cutlass Brougham said:
If it gets ruined by the storm, I guess I will give up and go buy a new Honda Fit instead.

smack yourself
yeah i hope to god it doesn't get ruined with all the work you put into it. great looking paint so far can't wait to see the rest of it
Damn "cone of death" keeps including my area. I really hope it does no harm to my stuff. I am going to reschedule my paint day for Thursday.

As for the Honda thing, it is in the cards for next year as a school/delivery commuter. I am going to sell my 1979 AMC Spirit GT with a 360 swap that I have had for 19 years for the down payment (It's my first car I got at 15). I'm tired of the car, and my truck will be nearing 350k miles by that time so I will need a new commuter. I decided I could only afford one project in my life (in terms of time and money), and the Cutlass was the easy choice over the AMC. I will have 3 more years of school left and really just need something reliable that I do not have to work on. The truck will be a backup and parked in my back yard so I don't need to have it tagged, and the Cutlass will occupy the garage where the AMC sits now. I figure I can get $5k for the AMC, and add that to my tax return and some other savings to have a low monthly payment. New cars with warranties are wonderful things when you lack time to constantly fix old cars. I have also considered a few other cars in that size class, but decided that the Honda is the best as it would keep it's value longer and they tend to be good cars. It's not what some would consider cool, but it is what is best for my life. The AMC never lived up to the money I spent on it and I have no love left for it. Besides, I will have to commute 30 miles one way to school 4 days a week, and can't afford any breakdowns or major repairs.
ah i think your doing the right thing with the honda. i would just be sad to see you scrap the cutlass after all the work. that's all i was gettin at. getting into a more reliable and newer daily commuter would be nice though
78mali350 said:
ah i think your doing the right thing with the honda. i would just be sad to see you scrap the cutlass after all the work. that's all i was gettin at. getting into a more reliable and newer daily commuter would be nice though

Plus, it's not for another year. The point about the Olds is that I will have no time to fix it should it get ruined in the storm somehow, and at that point I will just give up. I am doing difficult classes right now that will make or break my ability to transfer to the state university system. I can't really transfer until 2010, and the new car will come into play during the year end clearance sales of the 2009 models. Should the Olds get a building dropped on it, I won't rebuild it because I have put forth so much time and money that I just couldn't go through it all again. At that point, I would bite the bullet and buy a new car.
ah well sounds like you have it all figured out. i leave for my first year of college on wednesday and i am glad i am not in a hard major. I don't have the brains for it
78mali350 said:
ah well sounds like you have it all figured out. i leave for my first year of college on wednesday and i am glad i am not in a hard major. I don't have the brains for it

Yeah, I have an Engineering major and I am 34 years old. I have nothing but Calculus, Chemistry and Physics classes left at the local level, then I have to try to get in to university. Also, should a house be dropped on it, I would be really screwed since it would be MY house and I have no windstorm coverage on it. At that point is when I just give up on everything and become a
haha well hopefully it misses you completely then
honda fit looks like a roller skate, ughhh Hate those cars.

Dont think I havent been watching just because I'm not around as much 😀
Fenders look good, damn hurricanes dont give up.
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