Build Thread-85 Cutlass Brougham-New Pics Added!

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Royal Smart Person
Mar 25, 2008
Cleveland, Ohio
Sorry to hear that. What did you fall from? Could it have been prevented?


G-Body Guru
Mar 23, 2008
Sanborn, Ny 14132
markcp said:
85 Cutlass Brougham said:
Well, I fell at work tonight and now am in extreme pain, but a lack of medical insurance, and feeling that the company's insurance will try to avoid paying my bills keeps me from going to the hospital. I hope it does not keep me from doing the car Monday, but I may now have bigger issues to deal with other than a rotten roof on my back porch and a car that needs paint. Why is it that every time I get close to fixing all my problems something like this happens? I finally had all my debts settled, went back to finish my degree, and was even close to being able to buy a brand new car again for work and commuting. I fell flat on my back, and now have excruciating pain in my tail bone. I really hope it is not broken and does not require surgery. Sorry to type all this, but I live alone and have to have a creative outlet to keep from thinking about the pain.

Man sorry to hear that. Isn't workman's comp available if you were hurt on the job?

shoulda went right to the hospitol
hurt at work and they HAVE TO PAY.
if they dont you can SUE.
Also workmans comp is NICEE.

Get well soon,.


Royal Smart Person
Aug 15, 2007
Bismarck North Dakota
Yeah man, definatly workmans comp. Never used it yet but from everyone I know who has, just do it. I've heard it many times. Hope you feel better.
Sep 1, 2006
Tampa Bay Area
I fell mopping the floor, and Workman's Comp will not necessarily pay. I used to manage, and I know how they try to get out of it. I know this because of a friend of mine who got screwed out of her hospital bill from a work related injury. I can walk a little, so I am going to work tonight to see if I can do it. I really need the money to take care of my responsibilities. Even if I were capable of recovering for my injuries, I could still get sued (or have a nasty collection) by the hospital while I was trying to get my compensation. If you think it can't happen, it already has to me 2 years ago when I was in a car accident. I did recover my expenses and then some due to the work of my attorney, but I was harassed non-stop to pay a bill I was in no way capable of paying. Besides, I researched the treatment of a fractured tailbone, and basically it is just pain management. I can't take pain killers and drive a car, so there is really nothing I can do. My pain has gone down since last night, so I am just going to see if the swelling goes down over the next few days, otherwise, I will go see my doctor as it will be a cheaper bill than an Emergency Room visit.


G-Body Guru
Aug 10, 2008
I know how you feel. Everything was going good for me and then I had 3 surgeries and 2 cancerous tumors, one in my hand and one in my leg. I had to sell my car and other things to pay for medical bills and a few months of health insurance. I am now on social security and just got the 82 regal so once the money starts rolling in I will be doing good. I put in a lot of time and money to social security from all the jobs I worked.
Sep 1, 2006
Tampa Bay Area
Well, for more bad news, I was rearended by a hit and run driver in my truck last night ( only very minor damage to the bumper) and have neck pain now, Plus, my mortgage company told me I do not qualify for a refinance to a lower rate and payment because I don't make enough money on paper to make the lower payments...HUH? I make my payments on time and have not had a late payment in 18 mos... I fail to see the logic, but it's due to Fannie Mae, so that means the government, and common sense is not too common there. Sorry for the rant!

Anyhow, an update on the Cutlass. I put the fenders and header panel on it today to make it mobile so that I may be able to drive it to the paint booth next week if one of the many hurricanes don't ruin my life again. I also put the original secondary metering rods back in the Quadrajet as the ones I had in it were too thin and made it run stinky rich all the time. It seems they did not seal at idle because of a jet/rod mismatch. I think the rods that were in it were from a Caddy 472, so that probably is why.
Sep 1, 2006
Tampa Bay Area
pokertramp said:
I know how you feel. Everything was going good for me and then I had 3 surgeries and 2 cancerous tumors, one in my hand and one in my leg. I had to sell my car and other things to pay for medical bills and a few months of health insurance. I am now on social security and just got the 82 regal so once the money starts rolling in I will be doing good. I put in a lot of time and money to social security from all the jobs I worked.

It sounds like you have it worse than I do! Hopefully you had at least some insurance to help defray the costs. I hope everything gets better for you.


G-Body Guru
Aug 24, 2007
green bay WI
85 Cutlass Brougham,

it seems you have allot of bad luck in streeks!! hurting yourself,then a accident, hurricanes. stick with it. i am about to start school for mechanical engineering myself, and i know it is not gonna be fun the first three years!


Master Mechanic
May 21, 2007
Cleveland Ohio
85 Cutlass Brougham,

Man, I am sorry to hear you are still running into problems. I think next to my car, your car is the one on here I want to see done the most.

With all of your current health and financial issues, have you reconsidered your opinions on Universal Health Care or Liberalism? I do not mean this as a snipe because I know you are conservative. I just wanted to know if necessity and personal experience have effected your opinion (you have had worse luck lately than anyone I know). It would seem that you would be better off with a government doctor and mortgage bailout than no doctor at all and a foreclosure.

Best of luck. I hope to see more of your car soon.
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