Build Thread-85 Cutlass Brougham-New Pics Added!

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Sep 1, 2006
Tampa Bay Area
Well, I eventually do wish to settle down, but not in the traditional sense. I really don't want a life that consists of work, sleep, rinse and repeat all the time. I want someone who would be interesting and want to go out and have adventures. Have kids? Eventually yes. I love kids...just not right now. That's partially why I want someone younger than me. I mainly want someone to spend time with that I could develop a romantic relationship with if it went that way.

As for drinking, I tried it again with the same results. I don't like it at all.

Silent viewer

Royal Smart Person
May 9, 2007
man, you guys are loosing your mind. first off selling your house and car are going to solve what again?? you are down about life and you think that selling the best investment ever (your house) is going to fix things? especially when you wont get crap for it in this market! and then sell your hobby car??!?! witht the economy we are all having issues with money right now, its part of life, how you deal with it is what makes you strong or weak and i hate to tell you but you are not dealing with it well if you want to sell out. seriously WTF, you got sh*t going for your and you are going to give it all up cause you cant find a female, i hate to tell you this and i am not trying to be a *ss but having the attitude that i cant get a girl, i have never had a girl before.... if i was a a girl and met someone so negative i would run for the hills! you have you sh*t together then most people and you seem like you hate yourself! half of the reason i get up every morning is because of my cars and my house! buying a house is the biggest step you will ever take in life, you would be dumb to give it up. and what do you expect to get out of that cutlass? i have seen guys dump 25 grand+ into a car and sell them for 4 grand because no one will ever giver you what you have in it. i have not looked at your myspace page but i am guessing it talks about delivering pizza and not ever having a girl right? thats lame as hell, talk about the good stuff, owning a house, having all these cool cars, collecting classic cars. everytime i read your post i think 40 year old virgin. you seriously need to start thinking positive and be confident and you will find a girl in no time. i really think your issues with finding a girl is all on you, you are too damn picky and negative. there are tons of great girls out there and i doubt you are looking for a super model so that makes it so much easier. telling girls that you have never slept with a girl or had a relationship will have them running. sex before marrige is about the dumbest things i have ever heard of in my life and at your age the chance of finding a girl like that is 1 in a BILLION, seriously. dude for real, keep your head up, keep working hard and going to school and start thinking that you have something to offer a ladie and quit being so damn picky, no one will ever meet everyone of your standards and the same the other way around. seriously man, you have a head on your shoulders and women(good women) want that, i dont care if you are 300 pounds and bald, you can get a women. and for gods sake go dump some of your stress into doing something productive on that cutlass!


Nov 14, 2008
paint the car

Stop feeling sorry for yourself,get your head out of the clouds and paint the car.A female will come your way when you least expect it.I just joined and your story is the first I've read,I really enjoyed following it until everything was for sale thats not gonna solve anything.You'll just be at mom & dads with no toys,and if you find a girl you'll have no place to take her.My what fun!I am a father of four and grandfather of one,at the ripe age of 42 yrs,I love my wife my family and I also have four cars and one truck, 2 olds cuttys,2chev cam,and 05 silverado.My projects are three of the cars that I work on in spare time,which sometimes runs very short but I still love the fact that they all are still out there when I have the time.I'm religous and old fasioned but a person with morals in this world today is few & far between.I would like to see some paint on that car it'll make us both feel better.
Sep 1, 2006
Tampa Bay Area
Well, there is another reason to sell off the house. I am in school right now and want to have a chance to devote more time to finishing my degree. At the rate I am going, I will take another 3-4 years to finish, but if I sell off the house I can probably do it in 2. I am tired of working all the time and doing school work the rest of the time. Plus, it will give me a chance to do more. All I really use my house for right now is a bedroom and a bathroom. The rest is storage. I have been contemplating this for some time now and it goes back at least 4 years. It's just that now I am fed up enough to actually do something about it. I may change my mind too, but I am planning on doing this in the Spring. I need to finish the house and cars anyhow, and the AMC was already on the chopping block as I have been sick of it for a long time now and it is just another hassle I don't want. I also am finding it harder to pay the bills now without working more which is cutting into my school work and grades. Plus, the utility rates are going up 150% for water and 25% for electric ( they have sent me letters stating this!), and my property insurance went up $100 a month in the last year, and my income has dropped with the economy as people are not ordering as much pizza, or tipping as well so I really can't afford to live here much longer. I will put the money from the sale of the house away until I finish school, then I will buy another house. I was thinking about this long before the whole girl thing came up, and I think it is the best course of action. Plus, it gives me the chance to travel a bit during the breaks between semesters.

Also, I have owned this house for 12 years and have never rented. I have equity built up and the mortgage is only around $51,000. Even in this market I can get at least $20,000 more than that for a 2/2/1 with an inground pool.

Oh, and work and school are the main reasons no paint is on the car yet. I have time off from school next week and will try to get it sprayed next Thursday if all goes well and it's not Thanksgiving. Otherwise I won't be able to until after finals on Dec. 17.
Sep 1, 2006
Tampa Bay Area
Florida insurance rates have skyrocketed here in the last few years because of all the Hurricanes. Essentially it took my $550 a month mortgage payment and made it $650. That's a pretty big jump. Plus, I spend $2400 a year just in car insurance. I used to spend $600. That's without comp or collision. My income has not gone up substantially in the last 12 years, but my bills are probably 30-40% higher. I can't even afford cable. I just know that if I stay here I will end up spending all of my nights and weekends working and will still have no social time. I never entertain here anyhow. I have nothing to do.

Silent viewer

Royal Smart Person
May 9, 2007
i cant even get a one bed apartment in my area for 650 a month... my house payment is well over a grand right now. you seem to have cheap bills but i guess i dont know your income.... that sucks that the insurance is so much! have you tried other places?
Sep 1, 2006
Tampa Bay Area
Well, I deliver pizza so there are very few choices for me with insurance. My income is probably $1500-1800 a month before taxes, so I am on the edge of what I can afford now. I just don't want to waste more of my time paying for a house when it is taking away time for everything else I want to do. I have been getting tired of the car game for a while now and honestly, I was so stressed out that I couldn't sleep before all this happened. Now, I am not stressed out, but a bit depressed. I'm getting better now. It should not have affected me this way. It did though, and so I am dealing with it the best I can. It exposed to me a number of problems I have that are not mentioned here or on my blog, as they are far more personal. I do need some time and right now and for the last 12 years since I moved out of my parents house I have not been able to deal with them.

To answer another post, I am 5'10" 200lbs and not bald. I am going to try to get back down to 175-180 though.


Oct 22, 2008
Durham, Ontario, Canada
I don't know you & I am fairly new to the board but i have a couple of suggestions. Why not rent out the extra bedroom to someone? this will help to offset your bills & then you would not need to sell the house (which with the market the way it is is a BAD idea anyway, you will get screwed on the price). your new roommate might open up a new group of people you would not otherwise have known. Never know, you might meet a new woman that way.
Secondly and I am sure most of the guys on the board will back me up on this - PAINT YOUR DAMN CAR. the feeling you will get from cruising a freshly painted car that you built with your own hands is one of the best feelings you can have. pick the right color & put a decent set of wheel & tires on it & it will turn heads and attract attention of the female kind. I would have 2-3 girls a night ask for a ride on the weekends when I was out cruising in mine.
Think about it in numerical terms - if one in a thousand is worth marrying and one in a hundred is worth dating and you only meet one a week, then it will take a looong time to find a good one.
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