Build Thread-85 Cutlass Brougham-New Pics Added!

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Completed the set... I got my Civil Defense surplus Geiger counter for $58 shipped to my door. It's a Model CDV-700 6B. (they look cool too, they are yellow with the "CD" logo on the side) It may not be the best device out there, but it's good enough for me to screw around with. I know where there is a Superfund site with minor nuclear waste contamination not too far from my house. I think I'll go walk the fence around there and see if it picks up anything. That and I am curious about my water supply since I have the state's worst water utility which shut down some of it's wells due to low level radioactive contamination. Now I just have to wait 5-6 business days to get it...
85 Cutlass Brougham said:
I knew I never should have started talking to her again.

Look man, the best thing you could do was try so you can't discount that. I mean, if dating isn't your thing it takes guts do go out there like that. The best advice I ever got with this was to wait and just have comfortable relationships/friendship. But of course I didn't take the advice so I spent 4/5 years trying to find the 'right' girl, beginning of course with all the wrong ones :roll: . Then you meet one and that's it, it's like a puzzle piece, you don't even think twice about it.
Well, I feel a little better today and have come to a conclusion that I just may act on. It's something that will sound a bit rash, but I think it's my only way out. I really need to simplify things and get out of this job I have. I will never meet anyone when my whole life is just about existence. I need some ability to have fun at night or on the weekends, and I simply can't do that with 3 cars and a house. I have decided to sell off my house, Cutlass and AMC and will go down to a few key portable possessions so that I can concentrate on school and having a life instead. This will mean moving back in with my parents, but they have a big house so it's not like they lack the room. I think I ultimately will be happier this way, and I can always buy another house in a few years when I finish my degree. So, I will paint the Cutlass in the next few weeks and start putting it together to sell it, and will do the same to my AMC that I got when I was 15. I just think things will be better that way as I can't afford the skyrocketing cost of living without working myself to death. So, hopefully by summer I will be free of all the things I have enslaved myself to for my whole adult life. All I will be left with is a practical vehicle, my tools, a TV, some clothes and my laptop. The rest of it is just a prison of my own making and the sooner I can get out of it the better. I may lose a lot of money, but I think I stand to gain far more as a person for making the sacrifice.

Sorry I have gotten so far off the topic of my car here as of late. Sometimes it just helps me to write it all out.
i would keep the amc if you have had it over 15 yrs, cause ya know, you will never ever get something like that back
It's a 1979 AMC Spirit with a 1973 AMC 360 in it. I have had it almost 20 years, and my cutlass I have had for 15, my truck for 10. Heck, I have had my house for 12 years. I just want to be rid of it all. It's all been nothing but an anchor around my neck and I can't wait to be rid of it all.
what up cutty

I was reading your myspace page and what not. Dude its alright. Im 22 and have never had a gf. Quite frankly I dont even want one, I dont really care if I ever have one either. They are nothing but mind controlling freaks who **** with you all the time anyway. My once best friend, I hardly talk to anymore. He used to hunt and fish and now he just sits around and plays ****ing guatar queero and rockband with his new wonderful wife. They buy 1,000 dollar television sets and other gay stupid needless sh*t. Back to topic at hand whooh! lol I mean look at this way. What really do you need out of life??? I mean to say your depressed because you havent met someone right?? Well meet them and hang out with them like ya do! Doesnt mean ya have to marry them and have kids, according to myspace ya dont wanna settle down anyway correct. Besides do you wanna be having kids like my parents did at age 36 I dont and prolly wont. My life is going to be devoted to researching history and writing books probably. I dont have the time to live the ****ing american living style. Grow up get a job, have kids, own the great big house. That style of bullshit dont work for me. I aint too religous either, theres no evidence to back up religion either. But my fellow Americans including yourself are so sucked up into that crap. So anyway man just go and have some fun. be like Pet Givens in Office Space or Stinky from Dave Chappelle. **** it as they say. Concentrate on school as I am. Hell I skip half my classes just to go out and have fun I still am getting all As and Bs though ahah. Well I think I made my point. Main point being quit getting depressd over somthing you dont even want anyway. Make some friends go and party a bit. THere is nothing wrong drinking. Just dont be like my brother ya know wink wink!! lol I myself drink 2 times a week max. I dont let it control me. The only addiction I have is p*rn which i tend to waste 2 hours a day watchin lol. ahah HOpe I helped at all.
Re: what up cutty

1986montecarlols said:
. The only addiction I have is p*rn which i tend to waste 2 hours a day watchin lol. ahah HOpe I helped at all.
Christ I hope you have a callus file and some baby powder to prevent chaffing.
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