engine problems, again.

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alright so question. has the motor ever run right since the swap? im thinking if it hasnt, someone might have sold you a motor with a flat camshaft..

also Did you install the distributor? if not it might have been installed wrong..it can be a pain in the *ss to get it in the right position sometimes so i wouldnt doubt if they just shoved it in to save time

pm me your shipping info, I'll send you the boxwrench dvd for free, and hopefully it will help out..the way the world is right now everybody needs some help sometimes and id rather help you save some money for your family by wrenchin on your car yourself than giving it to a sketchy mechanic

Thats mighty nice of you. Glad to see people are still willing to help out for free.


I am starting to wonder what the deal is too. I could of sworn you posted videos with it running smooth and idling. So what the hell happened? Obviously we are all trying to figure that out but I think we need to step back and start from the beginning. Did it always run this shitty? The smoke is not a good sign, neither is the clanking noise you said it was making. It seems like there could be multiple variables on contributing to it running like sh*t. If you have good wires and good plugs then I would eliminate an ignition miss. The black smoke usually means a rich condition. However if it just started then how in the hell did it tank its way to black smoke out of nowhere? Did it run worse or better after you adjusted the valves? I do not want to keep harping on that because I know ya said you did it right but they can be a b*tch to adjust sometimes. Especially if your engine is already out of tune with something else going on. Without being there I am kind of exhausted on ideas. All I can tell ya is that IF it did run better before at any point then trace back to where it started running shitty and remember if you did anything before it started running bad. Thats a big if cuz I dunno if it ran well from when it was put in. Is the distributor locked down? Can you freely spin it? I dunno, I am out of ideas.
richp85elco said:
alright so question. has the motor ever run right since the swap? im thinking if it hasnt, someone might have sold you a motor with a flat camshaft..

also Did you install the distributor? if not it might have been installed wrong..it can be a pain in the *ss to get it in the right position sometimes so i wouldnt doubt if they just shoved it in to save time

pm me your shipping info, I'll send you the boxwrench dvd for free, and hopefully it will help out..the way the world is right now everybody needs some help sometimes and id rather help you save some money for your family by wrenchin on your car yourself than giving it to a sketchy mechanic

It has never actually worked more than a week at a time.
I would get it to run good but about a week later, boom something else wrong.
So i have had this engine for about half a year its only ran a solid month if that.

I appreciate this so much you have no idea, i actually have 10 if you want it, I just got some money the other day.
I could send it to you so you at least have something for it.

I am pretty much the only person who has gotten this car to run all the times it has run.
With the help of you guys of course.

Again thank you so very much.
CHRIS.O said:

Thats mighty nice of you. Glad to see people are still willing to help out for free.


I am starting to wonder what the deal is too. I could of sworn you posted videos with it running smooth and idling. So what the hell happened? Obviously we are all trying to figure that out but I think we need to step back and start from the beginning. Did it always run this shitty? The smoke is not a good sign, neither is the clanking noise you said it was making. It seems like there could be multiple variables on contributing to it running like sh*t. If you have good wires and good plugs then I would eliminate an ignition miss. The black smoke usually means a rich condition. However if it just started then how in the hell did it tank its way to black smoke out of nowhere? Did it run worse or better after you adjusted the valves? I do not want to keep harping on that because I know ya said you did it right but they can be a b*tch to adjust sometimes. Especially if your engine is already out of tune with something else going on. Without being tthere I am kind of exhausted on ideas. All I can tell ya is hat IF it did run better before at any point then trace back to where it started running shitty and remember if you did anything before it started running bad. Thats a big if cuz I dunno if it ran well from when it was put in. Is the distributor locked down? Can you freely spin it? I dunno, I am out of ideas.

That's just it, I got it running perfectly with the help of you and few others.
But My mom called a guy over who has worked at gene's autos a little shop here in ky.
Well she called him because she thought I needed help, which I didn't I was making it run by myself.
So he comes over when I am not home, he goes into the garage without anyone knowing cause hes was supposed to fix a little piece in my alternator, he says it was bad or something.
But anyways hes goes into the garage and doesn't tell anyone hes there or knock on the door he just goes in my mom said he came to the door said he put the piece on and asked for the money my mom said she would give him for "fixing it" so she gave him the 35 to fix it.
Then says my battery is dead and he will go charge it on his charger, well that was 2 weeks ago, the day my car started acting like this and not wanting to stay started.
so whatever he did in the garage when no one knew he was there I believe he did something, he also stole my battery.
So he wont answer our calls, he wont call back.
There is so much to this story, just like the last guy i dealt with.
But you get the story so far.

So I have no idea what happened when it started to run like this.
But I am trying to check everything to see if he did anything, but I am just going off what I suspect or what i see out of ordinary.

But I mean i could have done the valves wrong, But like I said even before I touched them it was running crappy, then he came and now its running very crappy.
so I have no clue, But I will go out and video the noise.
The smoke I actually got to stop, i messed with the idle mixture screws and I saw no smoke after that.
But its still running weird, so I will go out and film it for you all and post it here in a bout the next 30 mins.

Freely? You mean if its off I can still turn it?
Cause I can freely turn it while the car is off yes.
Ok I wouldnt worry about valve stuff then. If it was like that after Mr. DoucheBag monkeyed with your car then obviously it is nothing you have done. I wonder wtf he could have possibly done. You need to go down to his place of employment and ask him about it. Ask him what he supposedly replaced and get your battery back.
CHRIS.O said:
Ok I wouldnt worry about valve stuff then. If it was like that after Mr. DoucheBag monkeyed with your car then obviously it is nothing you have done. I wonder wtf he could have possibly done. You need to go down to his place of employment and ask him about it. Ask him what he supposedly replaced and get your battery back.

That's it though, He quit that job and now works at another place.
He said his dad owned gene's his dad passed and his brother took over, he then quit.
Now hes working at ???.
We called and got a hold of him 2 times.
First his wife answered and said she was stranded on the highway and her husband wasn't with her.
so we asks well where do you live, she wouldn't tell us and then said they were in the process of moving.
so now we have no idea where they live.

So we call again and the next time she acts like she cant hear through her phone, all we hear is her screaming through the phone " hello hello I cant hear you, I cant hear a word through this phone" then hangs up.
They wont answer anymore calls from us, we have *69 but they act like they cant hear us.

So we cant ask him anything because they want to not answer, all this over a battery and 35 bucks.
Now he wont answer, call back.

But My step brother told me today he thinks he knows where he lives, Were going to go over there and ask for the battery back.
Cause I need that its a brand new battery just bought, and I cant keep the battery I have now cause its my brother in laws for his truck.

So I am just dying to figure out what he did and why.
sounds to me like a combination of valves set wrong, timing out, and that carb right out to lunch, bring that thing to tdc lift dist. cap an see where the rotor is, start there, if it in # have someone who you know and who knows them eddy carbs to come set it, it quite possibly could be too big for the motor, hence the black smoke, and with only 1 1/2 turns out on each screw im thinking its to big, or it needs jetting, if that dont fix the issues, re check them valves, the easiest way for beginners to set them is take covers off 1 at a time, with motor at idle, loosen each rocker til you hear it clank, then tighten slowly til it stops then give it 1/4 to 1/2 turn, that should have you pretty damn close, after all that has been done, and it still runs like crap, sadly you may have a bad cam, which sucks, cause from the past you have with cars you have no luck, sorry about your issues, if i was closer i would come an try my best but im many many miles away
richp85elco said:
there must be some really shaddy people in KY or you must have some bad luck with people working on your car :rofl:

Did you ever check your timing? where is it at right now

I think its just I have the worst luck with people.

But I haven't timed it yet I been messing around with tuning it.
But I will time it.
sounds to me like a combination of valves set wrong, timing out, and that carb right out to lunch, bring that thing to tdc lift dist. cap an see where the rotor is, start there, if it in # have someone who you know and who knows them eddy carbs to come set it, it quite possibly could be too big for the motor, hence the black smoke, and with only 1 1/2 turns out on each screw im thinking its to big, or it needs jetting, if that dont fix the issues, re check them valves, the easiest way for beginners to set them is take covers off 1 at a time, with motor at idle, loosen each rocker til you hear it clank, then tighten slowly til it stops then give it 1/4 to 1/2 turn, that should have you pretty damn close, after all that has been done, and it still runs like crap, sadly you may have a bad cam, which sucks, cause from the past you have with cars you have no luck, sorry about your issues, if i was closer i would come an try my best but im many many miles away

I will definitely try to go to a reputable shop with actually professionals to help me out or have them fix it.
But I will try the valves that way cause I didn't run it the last time I tightened them.

But yeah I have horrible horrible luck, which sucks.
Thanks and I appreciate that, I wish I was closer to more car guys like you all.
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