Getting the F' Outta Dodge.

No, not that Dodge.

Thanks to Ontario (quickly becoming California Jr) and the general state of Canada imploding (a dystopian future created by mass psychosis) we are feverishly working on a move West to Saskatchewan - which may be the last bastion of hope for a normal future for our kids. We came to this decision on Saturday morning (following the province's back to school plan released on 3 Aug) and realizing the lack of support for our youngest who is deaf (masks don't work for deaf people who depend on lip reading, have reduced access to sound, and are trying to develop normal speech) from the school boards et al for an exemption - despite our aggressively advocating for her care since even before the plan was announced. Honestly, we should have started this move process sooner.

We've already engaged our real estate agent to list the house (and have a rough plan), and sent a request to our employer for an indefinite remote work plan (seems to be going ahead, and even if it doesn't were pretty much gone regardless), and expect to have most of the key pieces in place in the coming weeks. If you are in the Ottawa area and need parts expect a fire sale - because I'd rather not move it all.

Guess I am going to learn to enjoy hunting, fishing and snowmobiling.

This world is going to sh*t. Time for lots of land, a gun, and some clear lines of sight to the adversary.
Have friends in New Brunswick going through all the bs going on up there. Good luck and hope it works out!
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Ah, "Waterloo is going full woke?" "Woke" gotta be an acronym but fer what?

I know that "WOG" is short speak for "Westernized Oriental Gentleman" (Hey, Do NOT blame me for that one, it is very old and originate back on the mother continent somewhere.)

But "Woke"?? Westernized Oriental ***** *****?!?! (Fill in the blanks with your best guess or the real words. Guesses will probably be funnier than reality. Sick Humor seems to be the only humor permitted by the PC's and weasel squeezers)

Ah, "Waterloo is going full woke?" "Woke" gotta be an acronym but fer what?

I know that "WOG" is short speak for "Westernized Oriental Gentleman" (Hey, Do NOT blame me for that one, it is very old and originate back on the mother continent somewhere.)

But "Woke"?? Westernized Oriental ***** *****?!?! (Fill in the blanks with your best guess or the real words. Guesses will probably be funnier than reality. Sick Humor seems to be the only humor permitted by the PC's and weasel squeezers)

Ah, Copy All. So now there is yet another thing that I have to be alert to and wary of. SIGH.

Do yourselves a favour. Don't get old. A lot gets lost. Personally I think that I must of lost my sense of humor at some point because what used to amuse me, now totally escapes me, and stuff that is so far off the wall that it is lying on the floor actually raises a smile or laugh. Think it must have happened around the time stand up comedy went from actual jokes, one liners, and stories, to being ranting and raving; or around the turn of the millenium. Can't have an opinion in the real world, get on stage at an open mike night. Do it right or well and people will laugh at comments that anywhere else would be appalling or bigoted.

Ah, Copy All. So now there is yet another thing that I have to be alert to and wary of. SIGH.

Do yourselves a favour. Don't get old. A lot gets lost. Personally I think that I must of lost my sense of humor at some point because what used to amuse me, now totally escapes me, and stuff that is so far off the wall that it is lying on the floor actually raises a smile or laugh. Think it must have happened around the time stand up comedy went from actual jokes, one liners, and stories, to being ranting and raving; or around the turn of the millenium. Can't have an opinion in the real world, get on stage at an open mike night. Do it right or well and people will laugh at comments that anywhere else would be appalling or bigoted.

hmmm, in Canada? you wouldn't happen to be a lumberjack would you? Leaping from tree to tree? sleeping all night and working all day? 👍
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Okay, so now it's with the Python-ite cracks huh? The problem here is that, to the best of my knowledge, the Larch is native to England, not Cana-duh. And as for any T-V tendencies, winter grade underwear up here in the land of the frozen chosen are called "long Johns" not long Janes The Lime-ies had very weird school systems and half or more of the Monty Python crew were fruitier than a christmas cake. Apart from that they did do great, if totally off beat humour, "The Ministry of Silly Walks" being a classic example. Nudge, Nudge, Wink, Wink.........

As for Red Green, 200 mph tape, aka Duct Tape was already fairly well known, he just made the stuff a subject for discussion at Tim Hortoin's (a roll makes a good paperweight to keep stuff on the coffee table too, and if a leg is wobbly a couple of folds of tape make a great shim to level it out)

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Okay, so now it's with the Python-ite cracks huh? The problem here is that, to the best of my knowledge, the Larch is native to England, not Cana-duh. And as for any T-V tendencies, winter grade underwear up here in the land of the frozen chosen are called "long Johns" not long Janes The Lime-ies had very weird school systems and half or more of the Monty Python crew were fruitier than a christmas cake. Apart from that they did do great, if totally off beat humour, "The Ministry of Silly Walks" being a classic example. Nudge, Nudge, Wink, Wink.........

As for Red Green, 200 mph tape, aka Duct Tape was already fairly well known, he just made the stuff a subject for discussion at Tim Hortoin's (a roll makes a good paperweight to keep stuff on the coffee table too, and if a leg is wobbly a couple of folds of tape make a great shim to level it out)

I see Nick is looking to have an argument about it. well, he hasn't paid! no stuck-up sticky-beaks allowed!

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