Holy sh*t guys last night was WAY too close..

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I guess I'm lucky, but I've only ever been pulled over twice for things I actually did... The other times it was profiling for being a kid driving at night, when I was in highschool.

Once was for hopping a curb and driving over a median to make a u-turn because I got some road rage in rush hour traffic, I got a ticket for that. Thankfully no points on my license.

And once it was for doing burn outs... Right after I got my license with my GF at the time. I made up some BS story about how when I saw a police officer I got tense and got a bit friendly with the gas and let out the clutch too fast. When truth be told I didn't see him pull up behind me right as I pulled away from the stop sign leaving a trail of rubber smoke, I had been driving around doing that for about 45 minutes, haha. Anyways I thought I was totally slick when the cop walked back to his car I thought he was just going to let me go without a lecture or a ticket or anything. And he came back and asked me some more questions, and was like "So you've got a bum leg there champ, can't control the clutch? that's really the story you want to go with in front of your girl? C'mon don't bullshit me with that dumb *ss story". And then I fessed up and told the truth that I was just having fun, and he said "don't let me catch you being this dumb again" and let me off with a warning ticket that where the description of the violation is supposed to be written, it said "reckless driving/street racing/idiot." :lol:

I saved it because I thought it was funny. Since then I developed a sixth sense for cop detection.
kornball426 said:
I guess I'm lucky, but I've only ever been pulled over twice for things I actually did... The other times it was profiling for being a kid driving at night, when I was in highschool.

Once was for hopping a curb and driving over a median to make a u-turn because I got some road rage in rush hour traffic, I got a ticket for that. Thankfully no points on my license.

And once it was for doing burn outs... Right after I got my license with my GF at the time. I made up some BS story about how when I saw a police officer I got tense and got a bit friendly with the gas and let out the clutch too fast. When truth be told I didn't see him pull up behind me right as I pulled away from the stop sign leaving a trail of rubber smoke, I had been driving around doing that for about 45 minutes, haha. Anyways I thought I was totally slick when the cop walked back to his car I thought he was just going to let me go without a lecture or a ticket or anything. And he came back and asked me some more questions, and was like "So you've got a bum leg there champ, can't control the clutch? that's really the story you want to go with in front of your girl? C'mon don't bullshit me with that dumb *ss story". And then I fessed up and told the truth that I was just having fun, and he said "don't let me catch you being this dumb again" and let me off with a warning ticket that where the description of the violation is supposed to be written, it said "reckless driving/street racing/idiot." :lol:

I saved it because I thought it was funny. Since then I developed a sixth sense for cop detection.

haha cool cops can be a blessing! I was running around for a week with open headers, literally dumping at the collector :lol: Got pulled over for that, and my current lack of tail lights (brake lights work tho). Then noticing my expired inspection, lack of a rear view mirror, the only registration card I can find expired in Oct 09. It helps that I've lived in the same town for my entire life and know a bunch of the cops, and I always start off explaining how me and a buddy just built the car and I'm still working some bugs out. So far I have no tickets and a cop that wants me to work on his car lol. Hope I didn't just jinx myself...

::knocks on wood:: :mrgreen:
Yeah they are... And more cops than you would think are cool. Most cops are intelligent normal humans, and being a cop to them is just a job and they only do it for the pay and benefits. If you're not hurting anyone they don't really care. Just like any other American, the law is very subjective at the street level... If what you're doing doesn't harm anyone they don't care, even if the law says it's wrong. If it can't harm their family, any bystanders, or the common good, then what business is it of theirs? None. If there's no witnesses or complaint's about what you're doing, most cops will look the other way. That's the stance of the average cop. But if what you're doing hurts your community, or more importantly their family, they're going to make a big deal out of it, that's how most cops operate. Then there's the others in this group of "good" cops. These guys do it for the belief that they must uphold the "law" at all costs. I admire that, even if it is an inconvenience to me. :lol: Very wise men for the most part made the laws of the United States, and if there is no one to uphold our laws... Then what separates us from animals or third world countries? But these kinds of cops can seem like jerks, it's all a matter of personal opinion. Point is, in 99.9% of cases cops are your friends, and they will put their lives on the line to save your life. Don't forget that.

The problem is, police departments are broken into factions. Good cops, and ******* cops. Most good cops are normal average Joe's, and idealists. But then there's the bad cops, bad cops tend to be people who were rejected from the military or some other position of power because they're *******'s that are more involved with their ego, having power, and being the center of attention rather than the good of the community or country. There are people in all walks of life that are like this, in law enforcement and other departments of civil service, as well as any walk of life. They're are out for their own gain and don't care about anything else, or anyone or anything that gets in their way. Those are the ones that you have to watch out for... And we have all met those types before. Whether they're a cop or just one of your co-workers, we all know someone who would dime anyone out, or stab someone the back just for fun or to get ahead, kiss *ss, or make more money.

Those are the types of people being a cop appeals to... It's just the way it is. Most cops are cool people, but I guarantee that anywhere you go in the world you will be able to find an *******. Being a cop just seems to attract more people who have that nature than any other profession.

Sorry if that doesn't make a whole lot of sense, I'm wasted. :lol:
khan0165 said:
I'm not sure if you've heard,
but the 50km/h "streetracing" fine is "under re-evaluation" because it technically goes against a few Canadian laws. Meaning, they cannot charge you on the spot anymore, you need to be given a trial.

... so while it is "under re-evaluation", they technically cannot fine you on the spot.
So, worst case scenerio, they need to accuse you, and take you to court to lay charges.

if a cop tries to give you that fine, try to argue it. (this is in Ontario Canada ofcourse)

and yeah, I know what you mean about cops being strict up here. I got nailed a few months ago in Chatham, just outside London, "20km/h over the limit" plus 4 points, almost $300 fine! Now I gotta live that off for 3 years. :blam:

20 over is 3 points and a $90 fine plus $20 for surcharge and costs.... :roll:
pontiacgp said:
khan0165 said:
I'm not sure if you've heard,
but the 50km/h "streetracing" fine is "under re-evaluation" because it technically goes against a few Canadian laws. Meaning, they cannot charge you on the spot anymore, you need to be given a trial.

... so while it is "under re-evaluation", they technically cannot fine you on the spot.
So, worst case scenerio, they need to accuse you, and take you to court to lay charges.

if a cop tries to give you that fine, try to argue it. (this is in Ontario Canada ofcourse)

and yeah, I know what you mean about cops being strict up here. I got nailed a few months ago in Chatham, just outside London, "20km/h over the limit" plus 4 points, almost $300 fine! Now I gotta live that off for 3 years. :blam:

20 over is 3 points and a $90 fine plus $20 for surcharge and costs.... :roll:

Ya came out to 95 bucks or so, pretty happy a bout it now, after hearing that a buddy of mine in his cherokee got screwed over on the highway, cop said he was doing 132 in an 80,(which is weird,he swears he had the cruise set at 105) didn't lower the charge at all, the truck got towed, 300 dollar cab ride, and 500 in impound, plus min. 2000 in tickets! holy sh*t!
joey_schel said:
pontiacgp said:
khan0165 said:
I'm not sure if you've heard,
but the 50km/h "streetracing" fine is "under re-evaluation" because it technically goes against a few Canadian laws. Meaning, they cannot charge you on the spot anymore, you need to be given a trial.

... so while it is "under re-evaluation", they technically cannot fine you on the spot.
So, worst case scenerio, they need to accuse you, and take you to court to lay charges.

if a cop tries to give you that fine, try to argue it. (this is in Ontario Canada ofcourse)

and yeah, I know what you mean about cops being strict up here. I got nailed a few months ago in Chatham, just outside London, "20km/h over the limit" plus 4 points, almost $300 fine! Now I gotta live that off for 3 years. :blam:

20 over is 3 points and a $90 fine plus $20 for surcharge and costs.... :roll:

Ya came out to 95 bucks or so, pretty happy a bout it now, after hearing that a buddy of mine in his cherokee got screwed over on the highway, cop said he was doing 132 in an 80,(which is weird,he swears he had the cruise set at 105) didn't lower the charge at all, the truck got towed, 300 dollar cab ride, and 500 in impound, plus min. 2000 in tickets! holy sh*t!

the cop can't reduce the speed on the spot cause then he couldn't have the vehicle impounded. I take it that happened at the construction area on the 401 and if he was doing that speed thru there he had to have known he was taking his chances cause just about everyone drives around 110 thru there cause the trucks limited to 105 slow everything up with just two lanes...and the 2,000 ticket can be reduced drastically ...

for you American folks we're talking kilometers so it's not nearly as fast as it sounds... 8)
I've traveled all over the world & most countries have strict speed limit laws. I live in Ca & a lot of counties have started crushing cars if they're caught speed racing. I keep my Type T parked & drive an Altima as a daily. BUT sometimes its hard to resist chewing up Hondas & watching the driver say "OMG WTF was that?".. :mrgreen:
I say if your tuning your car or not when you are on the highways you need to abide by the laws...NO excuse for going that fast.....Most tracks have "test and Tune" nights.....you know, test and TUNE!!!! And as far as the Cop bashers on here...If someone was rejected from the military they would also be rejected from Law enforcement...Obviously you don't know sh*t about the hiring process to become a Police Officer, I do because I am one.....YOur righty there are a few A-Hole cops and there are alot of cool cops......Most are cool...YOu just had a bad experience...maybe you got a ticket and blame the cop for him doing his job......I can't tell you how many times some dumba$$ tells me " Your ruining my life", NO We aren't...You didn't need any help doing it all by yourself.... I have pulled over many street rods in the day and usually let them go...As I love cars🙂..... BUt I say you take the risk and gamble, sometimes you win and sometimes you lose.....I would't commend anyone for driving like an idiot on the public highways...You get what you ask for. And instead of trying to "Beat it"...Nut up and take responsibillity for your actions and move on with your life!!!!
Jbrue, I'm on the other side of the fence and I defend the ones you ticket, I'm in court with a bunch of your associates regularly and we have great discussions about how it went at the track on the weekend and what have I done to my car to make it quicker. I have nothing but respect for you guys and people seem to forget that under that uniform there is person like ourselves. If someone who is stopped acts reasonably will more often get a break than have the book thrown at them. There are the bad ones but they don't seem to stay bad since they are dealing with all the reasonable guys in uniform, or they tend to move on to another profession. When I do a trial and challenge an officer's testimony they take it as a professional. If they took it personal and wanted to pay me back I'd soon loose my licence...lol
If you're talking about me, there's plenty of people I know in law enforcement that were able to complete the academy and get their act 120 that don't belong in law enforcement. Just plain a-holes that love to show off their power and make people miserable for their own pleasure. I know these guys personally, not on a citizen to cop kind of relationship... But personally. All the local cops come to my friends (a police sergeant) house for BBQ's and there's one or two of them that show up sometimes (kind of un welcomed) that brag about their exploits in being a jerk. And I've been pulled over by them and their boasts about being jerks is absolutely true. I've had things confiscated from my car before, and searched for no reason. And when I went to the police station to make a complaint about it there's no confiscated property report and it's not in evidence or property lockers or anything. So what am I supposed to think? Obviously they stole my stuff because they wanted it. One of the kids of those cops has been pulled over for drunk driving multiple times, and he is consistently let go or somehow magically the charges get dropped. You know exactly what would happen to anyone whose dad isn't a cop if they get pulled over for drunk driving. But they abuse their power.

State Troopers are pretty strict about who they take, but local police are different. Legally anyone can put themselves through the police academy if they have the money and meet the physical requirements. And if you graduate and get your act120 certification, you can get hired as a cop somewhere. I'm not "bashing" cops, I'm bashing individuals who happen to be cops that don't deserve to wear a badge. I like cops in general I've got lots of friends that are cops. But I do have experience with bad cops too and I know it's not that hard to get hired, or these bozo's would never have been given a badge.

Maybe your state is different.
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