How do i fix this??

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This door is pretty bad. Can I save it? I can weld a bit and I have some patience when it comes to shaping and prep but this looks pretty bad. Does anyone know if I can get a patch panel for this or am I gonna have to make something myself. I guess I can't make any worse right? Any advise is appreciated.
What year & make is your car? Like someone else here said find another door from down south, or even the western states that don't salt. I live in Mn. so I know all about rust. When I owned my '84 Cutlass I got t-boned by a garbage truck & my body guy found the door & quarter panel in Kentucky for example.
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What year & make is your car? Like someone else here said find another door from down south, or even the western states that don't salt. I live in Mn. so I know all about rust. When I owned my '84 Cutlass I got t-boned by a garbage truck & my body guy found the door & quarter panel in Kentucky for example.

Its not just salt, rain alone can rot the door bottoms out. Even in good shape the sweep seals do not seal 100% and still allow some rain water to seep into the door and pool on top of the bottom seam. The doors are simply not designed to last.
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What year & make is your car? Like someone else here said find another door from down south, or even the western states that don't salt. I live in Mn. so I know all about rust. When I owned my '84 Cutlass I got t-boned by a garbage truck & my body guy found the door & quarter panel in Kentucky for example.
82 El camino
I’d start fixing what you have while still searching for OEs. I did that before then sold the repaired doors to recoup most of my cost when I found perfect southern doors. BTW the last time I bought fiberglass to make my console, it sure wasn’t what I’d call cheap, just cheaper.
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This door is pretty bad. Can I save it? I can weld a bit and I have some patience when it comes to shaping and prep but this looks pretty bad. Does anyone know if I can get a patch panel for this or am I gonna have to make something myself. I guess I can't make any worse right? Any advise is appreciated.
I've been following your thread here as I'm in the same boat looking for door bottoms and Goodmark are out of them and don't have a date for receiving any more! Also I've had a guy up here who goes south twice a year and he hasn't been able to find any for me either so, if anyone happens to find like 3 of them shoot me a note as well as Steve 82 Elly:. Thanks
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I don`t see an issue with using fiberglass to patch that, just cut the rust out and apply some sheets of fiberglass to that area and sand it smooth. I would use an epoxy resin rather than the polyester resin just for added durability and adhesion. Just my 2 cents, I am no autobody professional. At least fiberglass can`t rust out again.
I don`t see an issue with using fiberglass to patch that, just cut the rust out and apply some sheets of fiberglass to that area and sand it smooth. I would use an epoxy resin rather than the polyester resin just for added durability and adhesion. Just my 2 cents, I am no autobody professional. At least fiberglass can`t rust out again.
this guy gets it.
For mine, I bought a door to swap. The. I pounded mine full of bondo hair... Figure I'll get a couple years out of it.

Who knows,my car might not even be a Regal in a couple years, I wouldn't say no to a solid malibu body. Lol
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