Partial Update
Well, not a whole lot more pictures, but we are agonizingly closer. I imagine I must have purchased the same budget headers from speedway that I thought fit as 454 Grand Prix
We got the fuel pump primed, and confirmed it works. We officially have pressure at the rail, and we were on a mad mission to complete everything, when I then spent the next 4 hours getting my butt kicked by the speedway headers. The 120 dollar speedway shorties do not fit. The driver side kind of fit after I "clearanced" the primary tube closest to the steering shaft, but I can't use the stock L29 oil filter (which admittedly is huge. I may explore using a smaller oil filter). The passenger side looked like a victim of angry vandalization by the time I got done with it, and it really still doesn't fit at all.
Since I am planning on going turbo after my yet to be born child stops crapping himself, and im not spending a fortune on Diapers, I procured a set of 1993 454 SS truck manifolds that I have been guaranteed will fit. Hopefully the next time I post, it will be with a video of the car Idling. I really miss driving the car. I was hoping that since I did so much reading and communicating with those that came before me that I would have been able to get this done pretty quickly, but I am on like full day #7 of the swap, and I still feel like I have another 2 full days left.
Well, not a whole lot more pictures, but we are agonizingly closer. I imagine I must have purchased the same budget headers from speedway that I thought fit as 454 Grand Prix
I need different BBC 454 headers for my swap. Help?
I thought I had this base covered. This morning, I learned otherwise. :( Last Thursday, I spent all afternoon grinding my car and denting my (used, unknown brand, 1 3/4") header tubes in order to make them fit onto my engine. The driver's side now clears by a mile; the passenger side is...

We got the fuel pump primed, and confirmed it works. We officially have pressure at the rail, and we were on a mad mission to complete everything, when I then spent the next 4 hours getting my butt kicked by the speedway headers. The 120 dollar speedway shorties do not fit. The driver side kind of fit after I "clearanced" the primary tube closest to the steering shaft, but I can't use the stock L29 oil filter (which admittedly is huge. I may explore using a smaller oil filter). The passenger side looked like a victim of angry vandalization by the time I got done with it, and it really still doesn't fit at all.
Since I am planning on going turbo after my yet to be born child stops crapping himself, and im not spending a fortune on Diapers, I procured a set of 1993 454 SS truck manifolds that I have been guaranteed will fit. Hopefully the next time I post, it will be with a video of the car Idling. I really miss driving the car. I was hoping that since I did so much reading and communicating with those that came before me that I would have been able to get this done pretty quickly, but I am on like full day #7 of the swap, and I still feel like I have another 2 full days left.