The transformation from (junk)yard art to aesthetically acceptable and functional door continues.
After unmasking the door and standing it up in the stand...
...I mixed up some epoxy primer and got ready to go after the seams. In addition, I wanted to get some protection on the repaired areas inside:
These are kinda goofy camera angles, but it’s pretty tough to get pictures of inside. The epoxy is the white stuff seemingly gooped everywhere. Although I of course wanted protection on the repairs, I also especially wanted epoxy inside the gap between the inner structure and the outer skin.
I laid it in pretty thick and thoroughly brushed it around until it started coming out the drain holes:
That way I knew I had it as far down inside and in between the layers as possible.
Once that was done, I laid the door down on it’s back, and gave all the external seams two nice coats as well:
Today after work found me at my paint supplier, and after another painful $434 bill I had almost everything I needed. The only thing not shown here is the gallon of high build that they were out of stock on. It’ll be ready for me to pick up tomorrow.
And I wonder why I never have the $$$ for go-fast parts...

That kinda cash doesn’t go far in the refinishing industry.
To distract me from the pain in my backside and my lightened wallet, tonight I thoroughly coated the inside of the door skin and aforementioned gap with aerosol rocker guard. This will add a measure of sound deadening to the door, but more importantly it’ll seal up the gap and only allow any water that makes it inside to run off to the drain holes. Because waterproof.
If only GM had’ve taken this extra precaution, the condition of G body door bottoms would’ve been a whole different story. But, planned obsolescence right?
After the insides were liberally coated, I gave yesterday’s epoxy job on the outer seams a quick scuff with red ScotchBrite, then sealed them up:
Kinda looks like a dogs breakfast right now, but after it’s feather edged out and painted, it’ll be virtually invisible.
That’s all for now, tomorrow night will entail blocking out the high build with 120, then immediately masking it back up again for round 2 of priming.
Getting closer gents!!