If you don't know what you are doing the rest of us are doomed. Especially me
Relax, you can rest easy Tony.
I was just feeling a little mischievous when I posted that picture, wanted to see if any of y’all got a little freaked out by the appearance and amount of dust there.
I know I got a little concerned the first test section I did. But y’all stayed strong and didn’t even raise an eyebrow, everyone’s faith in me is admirable!
The roof was done entirely that way, 1000 grit discs on the DA to knock down the orange peel and dirt nibs uniformly first, then it was followed up with wet sanding on a block before polishing. And I think the results speak for themselves:
But that doesn’t stop it from being a little concerning at first!
I just finished wet block sanding out the rest of the hood tonight, it’s looking good and no dirt or orange peel left in it. Ready for polishing next:
Hes just polishing his turd.
Fixed that for ya, and it’s my turd and I’ll polish it if I want to.