So, what’s wrong with this picture?
Ok, aside from being a really dirty and dusty trunk that is. Something missing, a large rubber and steel thing perhaps?
Yep, when I picked the car up a couple years ago, it was missing the space tire, as well as all the jacking equipment. The jack, base and tire iron that are there now are all OEM Oldsmobile parts circa 1980, they are the factory color and still packaged together as they came back in the day. They were leftovers from when I parted out the Brown Bomber donor car several years ago, they were too nice to throw out so I just kept them all this time.
Turns out, good thing I did as this car was missing it all!
The one thing I didn’t keep from that car however, was the spare tire, which brings us to today. A local G body guy contacted me a few weeks back, and wanted to know if I was still interested in some “A” pillar plastics and a couple other things because he was going to be parting out his car. Naturally I said sure, and after going to look, I ended up getting several other things in addition to the plastics.
The TempaSpare was one of them, but when I got it it was in terrible shape. It was heavily clogged with thick nasty mud, was filthy dirty from sitting around, and had some surface rust on the areas that weren’t covered in crud. However it was in relatively decent condition, was the proper spare for a G, and was free so I couldn’t complain.
The first order of business was to bring it into work and bead blast the snot out of it. The guys at work all know I’m a gearhead, but even they all gave me the
look when I came wandering in with a donut spare under my arm.
After throwing it in the blast cabinet, I hit everything including the tire to get it all cleaned up. Worked pretty well I’d say:
Tonight on the way home from work, I stopped and picked up a couple more cans of VHT satin black roll bar and chassis paint. I really like this stuff, it’s very close to the OEM finish and sheen and is pretty durable.
I got the front side masked up...
...and hit it with a couple medium wet coats:
It’s looking really good so far, tomorrow night I’ll mask up and paint the backside. Then a little cleanup and maybe a fresh coat of black in the trunk as well, and I should be able to get everything installed correctly.
That’s the end of the update for tonight, but one of the other things I picked up with the spare was a later style OEM G body jack. It’s the style that uses the body mount holes rather than my bumper jack style.
I’d much rather prefer to use it over the earlier style, but I’m unsure as of yet how to mount it in the stock location.
Anybody do this in an “A” body Cutlass, or can anyone provide pics of how it’s mounted in the ‘81-88 cars?
Thanks in advance, and will update again tomorrow night!